RUG/Pennsylvania/State College/Printers/PSU Big Red

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20131205 202322.jpg
Big Red
Color: Red
Extruder: .35mm
Temperature: 210C
Design: Open Hybrid Mendel
Electronics: Rambo
Firmware: Marlin

This page is for information about the PSU Unit Big Red. This printer is designed to be an Open Hybrid Mendel, or OHM for short.


Date Modification / Problem
12/05/2013 Occasional M999 Error. Recommended use for prints under 1 hour.
12/03/2013 Plastic Spool being tangled fixed. Working well.
09/04/2013 Tightened the Z-Axis/Motor holder (electronics side)


About this printer

This printer was printed and built by the following three indiviuals on the build team:

We originally hoped to print all pieces in red, however due to the limited supply of red plastic we were forced to choose a different color. This particular class has been producing 3D printers from scratch. Most of the printers assembled are OHM printer models but each semester parts for the printers are being innovated and changed. For example, a few structural pieces for our printer have been tweaked to better accommodate the use of our printers. Also for our end stops we are transitioning from light sensors to touch sensors. Another change is we are changing the electronics system of our printers to the RAMBo electronics.