RepRap Breeder

From RepRap
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The RepRap Breeder project has in mind to branch off a Replicating Rapid Prototyper with only one focus, reproduction. Where the main branch of RepRap is focused on increasing the percentage of the device that is printable, this branch is only focusing on making it easier to reproduce. All design choices lead back to making the device faster to replicate, easier to set up, & made from parts that are more universally available. To this end I (Spacexula) see there as being a few characteristics that the design should have.

-NEMA 17 motors (cheapest and most universally available stepper motor) -DC Gear motor extruder (easiest extruder motor to set up (but not the most accurate) -If bearings are used, only use 608 bearings (most common bearing in the world thanks to skate boarders). -Designed so that either Imperial or Metric hardware can be used interchangeably. -The RP must be printable in less than 24 hours. -All flat sheet used should be fabable with a dremel at worst and a hand saw at best -All RP parts must be printable on the smallest RepStrap avialable to the public, right now the Makerbot at 94x100x140. -Parts must be designed as to limit where possible warping without a Heated Build Plate. -Total cost of device must be restricted where possible, with the eventual goal of having a derivative that can be built for $300 (232 euros).

I (Spacexula) have decided to start the project based off the Current Mini Mendel. I plan to make the following changes to the current Mini Mendel design.

-Structural frame will be 6mm/ 1/4 inch rod. -Z Axis will be 8mm / 5/16 inch -All smooth rod will be 8mm / 5/16 inch -All bearings will be moved to 608 bearings -All motors will be NEMA 17 -Belt will stay the same unless someone can point out to a more universal belt.