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Blog 1

Prompt: Go to thingiverse and look for printable objects, which other people have actually printed (there are photos of them if they've mad them), finding designs which satisfy these descriptions in your mind: A) Something amazing/beautiful B) Something funny or strange C) Something useless D) Something useful E) The 'best' printable Raspberry Pi case you can find.

A) While scrolling through some of the printed objects on thingiverse, I searched to see if someone had printed any models of characters from a game I play online, League of Legends. It turns out that people had. There were a whole bunch of different STL versions of the characters, and there were even a few pictures of actually printed things. The most detailed one I could find was the printed version of the character Ryze. It looked really similar to the way he actually looks. I thought that this really showed how awesome 3D printing was. I felt like this is an example of someone who just made what they thought would be really cool and just printed it out.

B) The strangest thing i found on thingiverse was a teacup dragon puppet. It just sorta looked like a 3D printed dragon that sat in a teacup. I didn't know why someone would want something like that or why that seemed like something they needed to print, but for whatever reason it's a thing now. 3D printing definitely allows people to run wild with ideas. The different things you can do with 3D printing are pretty amazing and can surely cause some strange things to come about because of that.

C) The most useless thing on thingiverse by far is the "NotAKeyProp." It is litterally an object that looks like a key but only attaches to the bottom of your phone. It has no function and seems rather cumbersome. In my mind that makes it very useless. I could see where it might be funny, but I don't believe that many people would be interested in it for more than a second or two.

D) The most useful thing I found on thingiverse was a set of measuring cups. I feel like this would be a really useful thing for a person who cooks and needs a specific size that might not be in regular measuring cup sets. I could see 3D printing being very useful in different aspects of measurement.

E) I thought that the red Raspberry Pi case that is in the following link was the best one on thing inverse. It is ascetically pleasing and the design on top makes it really clear what it is. If i had to choose what case I would put on a Raspberry Pi, I would chose that one.

Blog 2

Going back and looking at what interested me at the beginning of this semester, I would think that the subjects that most interested me were rebuilding the 3D printers. I find the idea of a printer that can copy itself completely fascinating. The whole process by which printers are created makes me want to build a printer entirely from scratch using another printer. Another subject that interested me was the idea of recycling used filament in order to us it on another project. This could make the waist product from 3D printing on our printers almost nothing.

Blog 3 The post I chose to review was written by Brandon Tunkel. I found this to be a great blog post that fully informed me about an interesting topic in 3D printing that I had previously not been fully aware of. This topic was digital rights management and how it applies to 3D printing. I thought this blog told me what it was about, explained a little background with how DRM has been handled in the past, and gave insight to current events and topics while providing a ideas about the future. I managed all this in a very concise and practical way. I feel like it had a lot of information packed into short space.

Blog 4

The Arduino Project and RepRap are both using the idea of "give it away for free" as their business model. The concept is that by giving away the information that is used in making the product they will encourage other people to make improvements to the design. The Arduino Project is using the ideas and modifications that are being made by companies such as google in the new versions of their product. This is only possible by the freedom of information that the project has made possible. RepRap has a similar business idea in the way that the 3D printers are self replicating. This makes it so that the RepRap machines can become very wide spread. Sharing the STL's and ideas for the printers on websites such as thingiverse also make the open source group even more popular. The traditional business model is to keep everything a secret and patten everything so that only one company can make this product and everyone has to buy it from them. This is pretty much the opposite of that because the product that is being given away is more information than a physical project. I find this concept to be very refreshing as a new outlook on how a business can be successful and grow in interesting ways.

Blog 5

In my first blog, I found five objects on thingiverse that met some sort of guideline. The objects I chose have characteristics of being useful or creative, which makes them eligible for patent protection or copyright protection. The first two objects that i found were sculptures of different designs. These would most likely be protected by copyright. The first object I listed was a representation of a video game character, which would mean that this 3D print could potentially be infringing on an existing copyright that protects creative works. The next two objects were supposed to be things that I found useful and useless. These two objects primarily served as functioning objects, and wouldn't be protected by a copyright. They would however be eligible to be protected by a patent. The last object was an interesting Raspberry Pi case. This was a perfect blend of useful and creative. The actual case that protects the Raspberry Pi would only be protected if it was patented, however, whatever creative addition to the case would automatically be protected by a copyright. So it wouldn't be bad to print a Raspberry Pi case, but it could be troublesome to steal the artistic flair from a particularly detailed case.

Blog 6

This extension of Blog 5 made me go back and evaluate other classmates' blogs and ideas about the Penrose Triangle model, IP and how those ideas might apply to 3D printing. I think that many of my classmates had similar summaries to the article that i did. The one thing that came up in theres that i seem to have not made clear in mine is that an object that has artistic and useful qualities can be protected by copyright and a patent, but only part of the object can be protected by either one. This concept was something i was going for, but it wasn't' very clear. I think that the big points from all of the blogs was that copyrights are very protective of works of art, but patents that focus on protecting useful ideas need to be applied for in order to ensure the integrity of the design.

Blog 9

I thought that the coffee grinder idea was a good one. It's recycling an old appliance and making it a renewable resource. This is an easy to make product assuming that the consumer knows how to use a 3D printer. A drawback might be a decrease in coffee grinder sales for whomever is selling them. I'm assuming that with minimal modifications the coffee grinder could be easily changed into a blender for liquids. This would be a similar project. This is a great project for someone that is in desperate need of one coffee maker. The odds of someone having a broken vacuum laying around are pretty good considering everyone with carpeting probably has one. The issue with making more that one of these is that the salvageable parts would be harder to come by. If it requires a new vacuum to make a homemade coffee grinder, it would probably be just as efficient to by a new coffee grinder. The concept that makes this a good idea is that using only household items and a 3D printer, someone could make a coffee grinder at almost no cost to them.