I am collecting together my RepStrap bits to start building a machine.
I have created some pages to document related thoughts I have had.
- Bamboo Printer a compliant axis, bearing free set of mechanics with novel optical feedback
- Lava Bot for neutral buoyancy direct wax printing
- Wire termination for screw terminals should not be pre-tinned
- Mechanical Arrangement category list to try and find all the lost machine project pages and list them at least in one place.
- LRC This is my attempt to bring a little light-hearted clarity into the licensing quagmire
- Composite Extruders a category list for extruders that have more than one material extruded at a time, may be internal or external.
- Fibre Core A new fibre or wire co-extruder system
- Wet Sock A new composite paste extruder intended for structure printing
- Patents That affect RepRap and DIY 3D printing. Please add details if you have the energy, the links contain some lists already but of most interest would be the areas that various patents cover, there may be huge holes in patent protection that could allow legal development in some areas pending expiry of certain patents.
There are some other pages I like to keep an eye on.
- Hot plate stirrer How does one find out about such cool projects without selecting Random Page now and then
- RepRap Morgan South African Gada Prize winner SCARA configuration
- Wally Elegant SCARA development
- 1X2 Wood block Mendel using 1"x2" wood with simple tools
- MendelMax Open Beam frame Mendel
- P2f Chinese Mendel
- Laser Cutter Notes Ideas on lasers cutters
- LaserCut A list of laser cut printers
- Excalibur Hotend Simple hot end
- Zmorph extruder A compact cold end
- Buckrap Hot End Bow DIY hot end
- RescoHotEnd A neat all metal hot end
- Drive-gear lists direct drive gear types
- Yegah has a new take on the hobbed bolt (head)
- Generation 7 Electronics DIY electronics
- Microstepping with optical feedback Step and Direction Servo circuit
- A community specification for an improvement to STL files Looking into the future
- MetalicaRap Build Speed Calculator Interesting page source
- G-code Ready reference
- Thermoplast Resist Extruding an etch resist
Based in Loppi, Finland.
You can contact me via the contact page on or on the RepRap forum with the same user name.