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My name is Mitch Engleka and I am a junior at Penn State and I am majoring in Mechanical Engineering with a minor in Product Realization and a certificate in Engineering Design.


These weekly posts are assignments for EDSGN 497 J and will cover a wide range of 3D printing related topics throughout the semester

Blog #1

Something Amazing/Beautiful:

I really like the twisting knot designs that can be made in 3D CADD programs so I thought this thing looked really cool. Then, when I thought about actually printing it I was amazed at how someone had managed to print it in the first place. Our printers can't print floating pieces well at all so they must have used a different type of printer all together.

Something Funny/Weird:

I saw this and just thought it was kinda weird. That is all.

Something Useless:

Sundials haven't been widely used since the clock was invented. Nowadays we have clocks on our wrists, in out pockets, and hanging on walls all around us. Sundials are outdated and virtually useless when you can get watches for free.

Something Useful:

This thing effectively solves a problem we all face and that is chords sliding down the back or sides of our desk. This simple little thing will hold any type of cable from phone chargers to usb chords, it will keep everything easily in reach.

Something Surprising:

When I started looking on Thingiverse for things to post on this blog I knew that I could probably find anything I could want and much more things that I would never even think of so I was prepared to see some strange things. However, I never thought I would see an actual wedding wing. I was very surprised to see this when as I scrolled through the things.