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My name is Mitch Engleka and I am a junior at Penn State and I am majoring in Mechanical Engineering with a minor in Product Realization and a certificate in Engineering Design.


These weekly posts are assignments for EDSGN 497 J and will cover a wide range of 3D printing related topics throughout the semester

Blog #1

Amazing: Cloverknot

Something Amazing/Beautiful: (Thing #: 224032)

I really like the twisting knot designs that can be made in 3D CADD programs so I thought this thing looked really cool. Then, when I thought about actually printing it I was amazed at how someone had managed to print it in the first place. Our printers can't print floating pieces well at all so they must have used a different type of printer all together.

Weird: Umbrella/Parasol

Something Funny/Weird: (Thing #: 17848)

I saw this and just thought it was kinda weird. That is all.

Useless: Pocket Sun Dial

Something Useless: (Thing #: 232103)

Sundials haven't been widely used since the clock was invented. Nowadays we have clocks on our wrists, in out pockets, and hanging on walls all around us. Sundials are outdated and virtually useless when you can get watches for free.

Useful: Chord Holder

Something Useful: (Thing #: )

This thing effectively solves a problem we all face and that is chords sliding down the back or sides of our desk. This simple little thing will hold any type of cable from phone chargers to usb chords, it will keep everything easily in reach.

Surprising: Wedding Ring

Something Surprising: (Thing #: 231457

When I started looking on Thingiverse for things to post on this blog I knew that I could probably find anything I could want and much more things that I would never even think of so I was prepared to see some strange things. However, I never thought I would see an actual wedding wing. I was very surprised to see this when as I scrolled through the things.

Blog #2

After watching Marcin's TED talk, I am a little skeptical of the Open Source Ecology project. By streamlining the technology necessary for modern civilization into a handful of machines and devices the OSE project makes it seem like anyone can essentially build modern equipment from scratch. Then, the fact that it's all open source means that the materials will be cheap and all the machines will be heavily customizable. This all sounds great as a concept but impossible to implement well in reality.

The OSE project is meant to act as a fast track to modernization for developing countries, cities or villages. In these places, it is difficult to obtain high quality building materials due to cost and availability. This means that the people building the machines most likely will not have access to the exact materials called for in the design schematics provided by the OSE. When these materials can't be found, the builders will have to find substitutes and finding substitutes requires prior knowledge of engineering and machining. This is a problem because modern engineering skills are not usually found in rural developing areas. Without these skills, the people will have to turn to outside help, which can be difficult to do because communication between a developing area and the modern world is usually rather limited. All of these factors seem to point to the fact that the OSE will simply not work well in practice, without even mentioning to inherent finickiness of home made open source machines.

In the end, I believe Marcin's Open Source Ecology Project is a great concept that could help millions of people to enjoy the comforts of modern technology, but will ultimately fail when put into practice. This failure will come from a combination of lack of available building materials, lack of knowledge on the part of the builders, lack of support from the rest of the community, and the unreliability of home made equipment.

In the New York Times article about Marcin, I feel like he was treated rather unfairly. The article seemed to target and poke fun at his lifestyle more than talk about the project itself. Marcin later responded to the article and addressing its portrayal of him. In his response, he simply addresses to criticism from the article and tries to clear up any misconceptions the article presented. In my opinion, the response was very well written and seemed to throw everything back at the New York Times, giving them no more ammunition.

Unfortunately I do not know anyone who would be able to bring Open Source Ecology to Penn State.

Blog #3

Mason Wilde is a teenager from Johnson county, Kansas made a prosthetic hand for Matthew, a nine year old family friend, that has moveable fingers and can even grab and hold a pencil. The incredible thing about this hand is that it was made on a 3D printer at the county library. Mason used modified plans of the hand that Ivan Owen and Richard Van As developed. It works when Matthew moves his hand up and down inside the prosthesis, causing to hand to open and close. The plans are also on thingiverse for anyone to recreate and modify.

If I were to make a robohand I would do it using the RepRap printers we have in class. One of the fully functioning printers would be able to print all of the components after some slight modification. There is also plenty of support in the community with ways to improve upon the design and make it easier to print.

While hunting around online, I found hundreds of articles and websites referencing this technology. The idea that 3D printing can easily make personal prosthetics has really taken off and now large companies are getting involved. It now seems like 3D printing will be the future of the prosthetics industry.

Blog #4

After reading classmates' second blogs, I found some people saw things differently than I did. Some called the OSE project utopian, while I never went to that extreme. Others thought it was an idea worth exploring further, even though it wouldn't have the global impact that Marcin wants it to have.

Some of my teammates also came up with reasons the OSE project would fail that I never thought of, the biggest one being safety. The OSE machines come with limited safety features, which become even more dangerous when in untrained hands, and don't explain any safety precautions during construction. This all assumes that the builders know how to use the tools they need and know how to be safe around these machines. Chances are people in developing countries don't know the safety precautions to take around a steel forge.

In general, I found that I share the same view as most of my classmates.

Blog #5

3D printing has come a very long way in the time since the first 3D printer was built in the 1980s. Here, I will outline some of the events that I think are the most important in the history of 3D printing.

The first important event is the creation of the first 3D printer itself. Despite the concept of stereolithography's inception in 1984, the first printer was not actually created until March 11, 1986. On this day, an entirely new industry was created. 3D Systems, the company founded by Charles Hull, the original inventor of stereolithography, was the flagship company for 3D printing and is till an industry leader today.

Ten years later, in 1996, Z Corp, 3D Systems, and Stratasys bring the first commercially available 3D printers to market. This was a huge moment for 3D printing as it finally allowed companies to buy fully functional printers. this opened the door to 3D printing's use in industry and manufacturers saw the potential that these machines held. This convinced big corporations to invest in the technology, speeding up its development.

Throughout the next decade 3D printing became much more common. New models of printers were developed and the control that operators had over the printing process extended. 3D printing had found its way into mainstream media and was now the hot new topic in manufacturing. One of the most important ideas to come from this time period was thought up be Adrian Bowyer. It was the idea that a 3D printer could print its own parts, the very concept that RepRap runs on. Despite all of the technical advancements being made in industry, I believe the idea to print a printer is more important simply because it makes the technology more accessible and robust. With this concept, anyone can build their own printer with relative ease and spread the technology across the globe. Printable printers would also be much easier to repair as replacement parts can be printed at a moments notice. This sort of self reproduction and repair had never been seen before with man made technology.

3D printing made another huge leap in 2012 with the implantation of the first printed human implant. On february 6, 2012 an 83 year old patient had a 3D printed titanium jaw implanted into their face. This is the first time a lower jaw implant had been made to specifically fit a patient. This customizability lead to better comfort and faster recovery, results unprecedented in a patient that old. This surgery showed how effective 3D printing could be in the medical field. Now, researchers are trying their hand at 3D printing anything for the human body and it really seems like 3D printing will be the future of medicine.

July of 2012 held two very important events for the technology. First, on the 18th, 3d printing services were offered on university campuses for the first time ever. This put 3D printing technology directly into the hands of engineering and design students, the very people who will be using the technology in industry in the near future. Not only were students now more aware of what the technology could do, they could actually experiment with it and try to improve it. This also spread the use of 3D printers to even more people, creating an even larger, more involved community. Shortly afterwards, on July 26th, the first 3D printed gun was produced. Personally I think the creation of 3D printed weapons was inevitable but the 3D printed gun, while relatively ineffective, was a huge shock to the greater community. This gun brought the huge question of 3D printing ethics and control to the forefront of 3D printing news, a spotlight that I think was undeserved. A single person printing an ineffective firearm was an inevitable consequence of the ability to easily make almost anything. Nonetheless, it convinced people that 3d printing can be dangerous and spurred a movement towards printing safety as well as digital rights management for 3D printers.

Months later, on October 18th, US patent #8286236 is filed. It grants permission for companies to include DRM software on their printers, granting them control over what a printer can and cannot print. This single patent created a controversy that is still hotly debated today and that is the argument over whether people should be able to print whatever plans they can get their hands on or if printers and the companies that make them can limit what can be made. Arguments from both sides range from public safety issues to human rights of ownership