User talk:Memory Hack Review Tab1

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Our typical Western diet is high in the Omega-6 Memory Hack fatty acids, found in corn, canola, sunflower, and safflower oil, margarine, vegetable oil and shortening, but majority of Americans are lacking in Omega-3s, commonly found in fatty fish such as mackerel, lake trout, herring, sardines, salmon and albacore tuna, as well as nut oils.Learning experts now attribute many childhood behavior and learning problems to Omega-3 deficiencies. Since males have a higher requirement for EFAs, this deficiency has a greater impact on them.

In terms of diet, ADHD nutrition isn't too different from what's recommended as healthy eating for everyone, and is often referred to as sensible eating. The first golden rule is NO JUNK FOOD!Aside from that, avoid the following for two weeks; dairy, yellow foods (corn or squash), fruit juices, Nutrasweet, processed meats, MSG, food coloring, and reduce sugar, chocolate and fried foods by 90 percent.

Keep it simple: Just eat natural foods for a while. Eat like people did before the 1950's. There are plenty of foods you CAN eat; just avoid fast or convenience foods.After the two week period, start adding some of the prohibited foods back into your diet, beginning with one food at a time. Eat A LOT of that one particular food every day for four days. If you experience a problem with that food, you'll have a reaction within four days. If there's a problem, you'll know. If there's no problem, enjoy the food.What should you eat to feed the ADHD brain?For breakfast, it's high protein, low carb. No more breakfast cereals with milk. Go for 60 percent protein and 40 percent carbohydrates. Other meals should be 50 percent protein and 50 percent carbs.