Pictures of RepRap for press (or any other) use.
Click on each image to download a high-resolution version. All the images on this page (and any others from the RepRap project website) are free to use without permission being needed. We don't insist on a credit, either, but we'd like you to put "image:" on them if you can.
The Current RepRap machine
- mendel.jpg:
- A RepRap Version II "Mendel" machine
The First RepRap machine
- reprap.jpg:
- A RepRap Version I "Darwin" machine
- Adrian Bowyer (left) and Vik Olliver (right) with a parent RepRap machine, made on a conventional rapid prototyper, and the first complete working child RepRap machine, made by the RepRap on the left. The child machine made its first successful grandchild part at 14:00 hours UTC on 29 May 2008 at Bath University in the UK, a few minutes after it was assembled.
- The parent and child RepRap machines. The parent is on the left and it made the child machine on the right.
There are more images of the RepRap machine at the bottom of this page.
Items made by RepRap machines
- coat-hook-reprap.jpg:
- Reprapped coat hook
- door-handle-reprap.jpg:
- Reprapped door handle
- water-filter-reprap.jpg:
- Reprapped water-filter insert (first stage water purification)
- ipod-bracket-reprap.jpg:
- Reprapped bracket (white) for holding an iPod to the dash of a car
- shoes-reprap.jpg:
- Reprapped child's shoes
The core RepRap Team
- adrian-bowyer-reprap.jpg:
- Adrian Bowyer, the inventor of RepRap
- sebastien-bailard-reprap.jpg:
- Sebastien Bailard , instigator of the RepRap file-sharing site
- forrest-higgs-reprap.jpg:
- Forrest Higgs, builder of RepRap-based machines in California
- simon-mcauliffe-reprap.jpg:
- Simon McAuliffe, RepRap's software guru
- vik-olliver-reprap.jpg:
- Vik Olliver, the first RepRap volunteer
- chris-palmer-reprap.jpg:
- Chris Palmer, RepRap's precision engineer
- ed-sells-reprap.jpg:
- Ed Sells, researching for his doctorate on RepRap
- zach-smith-reprap.jpg:
- Zach Smith, runs the RepRap Research Foundation in New York
More pictures of the RepRap machine
- 26806-0023.jpg:
- The RepRap machine (detail)
- 26806-0035.jpg:
- A RepRap machine (detail)
- 26806-0048.jpg:
- A RepRap machine (detail)
- 26806-0060.jpg:
- A RepRap machine (detail)
- 26806-0075.jpg:
- Adrian Bowyer (left) and Ed Sells (right) with the first RepRap machine
- 26806-0078.jpg:
- Adrian Bowyer (left) and Ed Sells (right) with the first RepRap machine
-- Main.AdrianBowyer - 20 May 2008