Prusa i3 Rework Heated bed assembly
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Introduction | Bill of materials | Y-axis assembly | X-axis assembly | Connecting X-axis and Z-axis | Motor assembly
X and Y-axis motions | Heated bed assembly | Extruder assembly | Electronics and wiring | Marlin Firmware
Thermistors assembly
Needed parts :
- 2x Thermistor
- 2x Connecting wire (2 pins)
- Teflon wire (not included)
- Polyimid tape
Step 1
Insert two teflon wires at both ends to protect the thermistors. Let the ends free to weld connecting wires (see pictures below).
Step 2
Weld two connecting wires to both thermistor ends. Repeat this step for the other thermistor. We strongly recommend you to protect the weld with heat shrink tubing or an insulating adhesive tape.
Heated bed assembly
Needed parts :
- 1x PCB heatbed
- 1x Glass plate
- 1x Thermistor assembly
- 4x Binder clip
- 4x M3x14 mm screw
- 4x M3 nuts
- 16x Ø3 mm washer
Step 1
Place the glass plate on the top of the PCB heatbed (the face with writing) and fix it with four binder clips.
Step 2
Use high temperature silicone and place a drop in center hole (PCB heatbed bottom side).
Step 3
Place the head of the thermistor in the center hole and make sure that there is a contact with the glass plate. Fix thermistor wires with some Polyimid tape.
Step 4
Cover the glass plate with Polyimid tape to improve adhesion during future printings. Make sure to remove air bubbles during this step.
Step 5
Fix the Heated bed assemby on the Heated bed mount (Y-axis) with three Ø3 mm washers between, one Ø3 mm washer on top, an M3x14 mm screw and an M3 nut on each corner.