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-- Main.EdSells - 08 Jun 2006

RP Orders for the RepRap team

This page is for the RepRap team to upload their components to be built on the RP m/c.

Detailed design methods for RP builds can be found at Hints For Using The Stratasys Dimension RP Machine.

  • After you have uploaded the STL (filename style defined in the Style Guide), please enter the details into the table below
  • Email Ed to let him know there's an order on the wiki
  • Your STL will be deleted from the wiki after it has been built so please keep your own backup.
Qty Filename Owner Component's ETA before postage
1 [[File:RPOrders-railed poly-holder.stl Vik thumb]]
3 Stage linkage Vik Completed
1 Drive coupling Vik Completed