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Blog 1

Part A


Go to Use any means you like to look through the objects submitted to thingiverse and pick out 5 designs which you consider to be the most:

1. Useful

2. Artistic/ beautiful

3. Pointless/ useless

4. Funny/ weird

5. Scary/ strange

Link to the 5 objects you’ve chosen, and discuss why you consider them well described by the 5 adjectives above

1. Useful

This is an iphone case. I think this is one of the great motivations for personal 3D printing that make life easier. It is good looking and cheaper than the commercial ones.

2. Artistic/ beautiful

This is a really cool and beautiful design with Ballerina Charm

3. Pointless/ useless

I suppose no one would suppose to use this

4. Funny/ weird

This rabbit image from Disney make me so happy

5. Scary/ strange

I just think we should prohibit the gun shooting.

Part B


Read this article:

Watch this video:

Charlie Rose interviews a successful Designer

From jigsaw puzzles to plastic models, from Rubik’s cube to work design structure, I always enjoy breaking things apart and, of course, putting things together. Born in a family of doctors and engineers oriented in pharmaceutical industries, my curiosity of how things work runs in my blood. From an early age when my parents operated a pharmacy, I always sat beside my mum listening to her talking with patients and went to pharmaceutical company to find out how pills are made of. The influence of corporate culture on tinkering impede the development of innovation, invention, and illumination. The corporate culture could not provide an environment for Tinkers to make the world better.

The Stanford University have the synphasis of art and engineering. it's idea is equivalent with the David Design Principle. David infused Design Thinking applying human behavior into design which allows people design based on the others' idea and reach the height they want to be, and also let other's make the design better. The key to unlock the innovation and creativity is that David approach diversified background people into his firm and let them get brain-storming, the right through the idea, the execute product. This is the key to unlock the innovation, creativity, and illumination. He ask people to be a design thinker and encourage wild ideas. A good design is based on figuring out what people want to have by watching their behavior. (try to understand people through observing them). He have the 3D printing machine with his daughter. Concerning project we do in the lab, we could based on David's design principle to design staff useful, ergonomics, and make life easier and better. Just like last week we print out a useful key chain.

Blog 2

part A

The “Mother of all Demos” is here: First, watch that first section of the mother of all demos (above), which includes the first computer mouse and cursor ever seen in public. Do you recognize the rough features we use on every computer today in its earliest form? Are you impressed by what he’s demonstrating? Do you think that you would have recognized the importance of this work if you were in the audience at the time?

Engelbart’s presentation is a hypermedia demonstration which paved the way for human-computer interaction. In his presentation, Engelbart showed how the computer could be used to deal with everyday tasks. He showed audience how to create the new files and a set of commands to organize the data. Taking an example of his wife’s shopping list, he organized the shopping list hierarchically by category and he had the ability to expand and move items to organize them as he want. These features are similar like the mouse we use nowadays. The pointers following as he moved the mouse until he stops at a specific point. The cursor looks like piano keys on his left hand, using the cursor he could type out the characters similar like the keyboard we used now. This part impressed me most, through the mouse and the piano keyboard, the research team could type input and manipulate the computer and organize the data. The first computer weighted 30 short tons and took up 1800 square feet, as an audience sit in the presentation, I think I would be realize the importance of the creation by Engelbart’s research team, because the creation of the mouse and the cursor could facilitate the collaboration between humans. They could make control computer easier and organize the data more efficiently through a monitor and a mouse instead of controlling a bulky staff weighted 30 tons.

part B

Then watch this (turn up your sound): In it, Professor Richard Doyle discusses disruptive technological change, open source, knowledge sharing, and ‘creative culture’ among other things. The first 22 minutes is his talk, while the rest consists of questions and chat. What does he say regarding the initial perception of the mother of all demos? Doyle makes a number of arguments regarding the importance of our open source efforts in comparison to models requiring intellectual property. Why do we and why should we share the information we generate? (Or shouldn’t we? Are we missing out by not trying to patent our efforts?) How might we better share our knowledge?

At the time of the presentation, people thought the demo was a hoax.

Concerning about the sharing information, I think sharing knowledge could make the progress of the society. There are many reasons that could prove the importance of the creation and application of new knowledge. Innovation and creativity is also the motto that Obama addressed his speech centered on the manufacturing of his presidency competence. I think sharing the knowledge and allow followers to make refinement could serve the human to a new level. It is undeniable to say there are tons of law suits about patent and intellectual property. I would like to apply different situation to different methods. If people could understand that sharing their knowledge helps them do their jobs more effectively; help them retain their jobs; helps them in their personal development and career progression; rewards them for getting things done; and brings more personal recognition, then knowledge sharing will become a reality. Some people object to sharing as they feel that others will steal their ideas and reap the rewards rightly theirs. This is a fallacy. Knowledge sharing isn’t about blindly sharing everything; giving away your ideas; being open about absolutely everything. You still need to exercise judgment. If you have a great idea – don’t share it with a competitor – external or internal but on the other hand don’t try to develop it on your own and don’t sit on it for fear of it being stolen from you. Figure out how you can bring it to fruition by collaborating with other people.

blog 3

3D printing in civil engineering

Concrete Printing Process could create a new era of architecture that is adapted to the environment and fully integrated with engineering function. According to the Maslow’s pyramid’s human needs, shelter as the base of the pyramid embody its essential effect of the human needs. In 21st century, 1 billion world people are now tortured under the risk of disease, crime, and over population. The problem of conventional construction is the most serious problem. Behrokh Khoshnevis pointed out that most of products are automated except construction which is slow, inefficient and may be dangerous to workers. The CAD/CAM is a great development to transfer from hand-made to automate by addictive manufacturing. It is undeniable to say that the application of 3D printing in construction would revolutionize the coming construction. However, I have my reservations about that addictive manufacturing applying to construction instead of conventional construction. The first point is that the 3D printer is too expensive to countries which are highly under the risk of disease, crime to purchase. The governments do not have the ability to hire the scientists and technicians to run the machines. Countries would like to develop 3D printing to construction normally with low risk of dangerous laboring. If these governments take 3D printing instead of conventional construction, they would deprive of jobs from people make a living by manual labor. The result would cause the instability of society, and people would hard to make a living. The second point need to be pointed out here is that the technology for 3D printing is immature. If the extruder does not work, scientists need to take the extruder out and fix them; the labor cost would be really expensive. Furthermore, we need to reprint the whole building again if minor mistakes happened during process. The cost of the 3D printing would much more expensive than conventional construction.

3D printing in medicine

I am highly impressed by the 3D printing technology applied into the medical field. I think this technology could save more people’s live. As the article said that the 3D printer might print a kidney use the patients’ cell tissue which would not cause allograft rejection. Even though developing functional organs may still be a decade off, we are moving toward to possibility to make them came true. Scientists need to develop the technology of “ink” as the filament we sent into the extruder and also need to figure out the way to keep the organs alive. Thousands of people dying off organs problem, if this technology could be reach, people do not need to spent much time on finding a fit replacement.

3D pinting in food

The 3D-bioprinted meat uses the same process scientists have studied for printing organs in medical field. The Modern Meadow offers the hamburger is so expensive even though this idea is really awesome. Actually, I do not recommend 3D printing technology applied in food as much as in medical field. Because the technology could save people’s live and easily create organs as replacement instead of trying to find a person like to transplant a kidney for you. However, human, as on the top of the food chain, we should eat animal’s meat to harmonize the balance of the food chain. If people would eat meat printed 3D printer through cultivate stem cells, and stop killing animals, there might be a miserable environment unbalance of the nature. In order to keep the harmony of the nature, we still should stick on the life we live in now. However, I like the article that the 3D printer print chocolate because I really love eat chocolate especially when it with diversify shapes. I think technology applied into chocolate industry could allow customers involve into the design, the customerization could bring more economical benefit to the firm.

3D printing in fashion

Iris Van Herpen with the most inquisitive mind has been exploring advanced ideas with the help of scientists, architects and 3D printing. I think the beauty of the art and fashion is innovation and not afraid of being expressive. She turns the imagination into reality and gives us a chance to see the beauty of the arts.

3D printing in gun

There is a huge problem that the 3D printer could print everything, and the 3D printed gun has already a reality. I doubt with the advance of the 3D printing technology, there might also increase the criminal rates. Criminals could print gun without buying from legal association and take the training of safety. Government would be much harder to execute the gun control. The tragedy that 20 children got killed in school, and then President Obama proposed the policy to to gun control. people should live in a society with trusted government and safe place, if the 3D printer made the illegal criminal easily commit crime, this is the tragedy we do not expect.

blog 4

3D printing help kids who had amputation of hand digits and could not afford the X-finger

In the article: robohand:how cheap 3D printers built a replacement hand for a five-year old boy made me realize the value of open source on The story of Liam who got amputation of hand digits before birth and cannot afford the expenses of X-finger is lucky enough to get the help from two men-- Ivan Owen and Richard Van As –from the opposite of the globe, and Liam finally can have a prosthetic using a 3D printer. Owen and Richard make the design public and help people who can’t afford prostheses. Oven and Richard prove that there are people who don’t care about monetary gains but the good of mankind The key success of their designing is that they both have their own 3D printing machine at home from Makerbot which accelerate the design cycles ; The pervious two weeks now reduce to just hours that send a code and then print them out. The 3D printing machine could print functional parts apply to the prostheses without waiting a long time. It is much more efficient to test the idea and modify it quickly. The speed is key to the success. They could generate new ideas and test the products as if they receive the code. The speed could motivate people to be innovative Furthermore, the custom manufacturing would not need additional cost, accordind to the article, they could use metal material to help Liam print a new prostheses with the 3D printing machine.

Open source

I really appreciate the benefit open source bring to the mankind. With the open source, Oven could use OpenSCAD to design code, and take advantage of the thingsuniverse materials. In the note from Ivan, he promise that the signs they develop would be shared with the public as open-source documents. They would not patent the designs and would also keep working on this project in order to avoid others patent the designs. Their dream is to share the knowledge and spread the information make that as many people as possible be able to benefit from it. I now understand the difference between the open-source and corporate culture. I think people should not patent stuff that could help human beings better.

blog 5

In the article of ‘what’s the Deal with Copyright and 3D printing’, the author addresses the relationship of the intellectual properties which are copyright, patent, and trademark. According to the definition from Author that the “copyright covers creative works, patent covers technical works, and trademark covers the ways in which goods are identified in the marketplace”. The 3D printing merges the physical and the digital world and also bring problems that the how to protect the copyright on Thingsverse. Sometimes, products not protected by copyright because they are the type of “useful products”, and the copyright infringement is also hard to break.

A) Concerning my first blog, the useful part I choose is an iPhone case. I think it is protected by copyright. However with the popularity of the iPhone case, they are not patentable and are not protected by copyright, because they belong to the “useful” products. The beautiful part I choose is a ballerina dancing girl. I think it is neither protected by copyright nor are patent-able. For the things of the useless, I cannot decide the utility of the product, so I could not decide whether it is copyrighted or patent-able. For the funny Bugs Bunny, the characters from movies or TV are definitely copyrighted. For the Gun staff, I think it is a physical product so it is copyrighted, and it is not patent-able.

B) Other people’s things: Electric Motorcycle from btz5006, I think it is related with the utility, and it is copyrighted by the creator, and I think it is not patentable.

C)The two reason in “licensing of non-copyrightable files is the legal reasons and the cultural reason. Concerning about the legal reasons, granting a license make the owner assert their authority of the project, and also allow the users on Thingsverse to access the code. For cultural reasons, creators would like people know who create the project.

3D printing would transform education

bonus blog People was criticized the existence of the computer, never mind that the computer now on every desktop. I believe that in the near feature, the 3D printing would on the desk to help students to learn science principle. I think it's creating a Renaissance in manufacturing and the design world because even the average person can use it. From the article of 3D printing in education (, Penn State University has already brought the RepRap research into classroom and also I believe the future of higher education is reshaping universities through 3D printing. The Delamare Science and Engineering library became one of the first academic libraries in the United States to provide 3D scanning and printing to all students and faculty, as well as the public. The move is part of a plan by director Tod Colegrove to transform the facility from a typical library that promotes knowledge through books to one that also encourages creative thought and discussion via hands-on technology. For many universities, 3D printers have become an indispensable asset for promoting learning and education. At Columbia University's Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation, the devices are considered a regular tool in student's everyday lives. Carlito Bayne, the manager of the GSAPP's Output Shop, says “the school has dabbled with 3D printers since 2000, including one that used wax. Their printers get so much use that the school is purchasing another machine. Other departments such as the fine arts, medical and engineering schools have their own 3D printers. “During presentations most students have models as well as renderings to show the design process," Bayne said. "It shows the students and professors what works structurally and what just looks good. This is something that a 2D render or drawing can't do because you only have one view. " At the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, students such as Steven Keating are using 3D printers in cutting edge ways. The mechanical engineering student describes 3D printers as a valuable research tool because they can help accelerate projects that would normally take time using conventional modeling methods. The technology also helps democratize processes that may be too technical for the average person when done the traditional way. The materials on Thinsverse is valuable. there will indeed be a 3D printer on every desktop in the United States. With a community focus, there are many passionate users and fans that will likely help them make that vision a reality.

Blog 6

A) Summarize the first article and describe your thoughts about it. What were the key points which you took from it?

The first article addresses the future of the 3D printing. The author criticized the previous predictions of internet and the fact proves that prognosticators made the wrong judgment. The author thinks that 3D printer will plays an important role in future concerning about the field of biomedical, agriculture, and industry. The speech “State of the Union” from President Obama also expressed his hope that manufacturing is a way to rejuvenate American manufacturing. He believes that this is a step in the right direction towards bringing manufacturing back into United States. The widespread of the education on 3D printers in school and several research centers could be seen as a boost to American manufacturing. United States is always the world-leading technology country which could always invent new technology and attract users all over the world; the following countries would always copy the technology of United States like China. I read a story several days ago said that in one class, there is one American Student do not like study calculus and obsessed with programing. He then solves all his homework by his programming. Other students might use half hour to solve one problem, for him it would be only a few seconds that the only thing he need to do is just input some data and press several buttons. Some of his classmates said, as if he would take the test, he could not pass the exam. The truth is that he did not pass the test because there is not allowed using the computer in classroom, however, he later build his own company and could be seen as the genius in the programming field.

B) Why was this years “state of the union” address mentioned in the first article? Does this seem important to you?

The state of union is mentioned in the article from Obama’s speech. He want the manufacturing could be a big part of US economy again. The government wants to create 3D printing “hubs” to attract more engineers dedicated into technology development.

C) The University of Virginia is listed in the first article as hoping to distribute 3D printers throughout all educational levels. The second article is an example of how they are changing their Undergraduate ME program. What are the merits of this method? Can you see any flaws?

The printers in University of Virginia were dedicated to alter their mechanical engineering course. The fabricator and CAD design could create actual parts with 3D printers. This hand on experience could allow students connect with basic engineering concepts with their practical applications in the real-world engineering. I think this is better for students learn the materials of class instead of just showing a picture. Students could make their innovation come true.

D) Compare our printers to the printers used at the University of Virginia. If we tried to mimic their program using our printers instead of theirs, how do you think it would fare?

I think their printer is much better than ours. I think students do not need to spend a lot of time to repair the problems caused when printing. This could save a lot of time for them then they could develop more objects. However, the cost also might be much more expensive than ours. There is also a huge problem is that they might not fix the 3D printer if it has problem; the printer we built for this semester would help the following students constantly use. I think we could learn more from out printers because we should find a way to solve the problem when it met problems.

blog 7

A)Comment on these projects. Who is suing Formlabs and why? Why do you think the 3Doodler is making such headlines lately? Look around kickstarter for similar projects which were not listed.


I am amazed to see the creation like 3Doolder. 3Doolder is just like 3D printing pen that draw in the air and you can hold in your hand. It is a brand new way of creating objects and artistic works. It is the technology that lift your imagination off the page. And 3D printing is additive manufacturing that turns computer models into real physical things. I think the market for the 3doolder is has bigger market than professional prototyping machine because people are free to use it as if you can scribble, trace or wave a finger. 3Dooler might make great contributions to the design and art development. Also, it is also has practical use that as the author said you can fix toilet and save 85 dollars. 3Dooler’s low barrier to entry that can allow more non-engineering people use it and people might interest in it. For kids, it could be a really toy to make their imagination off the paper. If their mother does not allow they buy something they want, they could draw it. For artists, they can use pen plotter to serve their artistic design. For people love life, they can use 3Dooler to decorate their home.

Formlab-High resolution and professional 3D printer

Formlabs, is a company in media lab started out of MIT. Kickstarter provide the platform for them to raise money through crowd-sourcing. They try to build a simple 3D printers and provide low entry barrier for users without dauntingly complex instructions but with high resolution which keep the quality of the products. The Stereolithography technology also applied in formlabs. Kickstater’s stragety that help people get fund from community and make their product continue.However, from the article ( 3D systems suing formlabs and kickstarter for patent infringment. SL technology is used to solidify UV curable material in layers, SL technology creates 3D prints that are much higher resolution than can be achieved by plasticc extrusion technology. The result of this lawsuit is that EFF recentlky issued a statement about how patents may harm DIY 3D printing industry. “While many core patents restricting 3D printing have expired or will soon expire, there is a risk that “creative” patent drafting will continue to lock up ideas beyond the 20-year terms of those initial patents or that patents will restrict further advances made by the open hardware community.”

Printxel 3D printer

The printxel 3D printer is a $300 desktop 3D beta kit. The sample prints from the blog is interesting. This project has 96 backers with the pledged of 7500 goal and actually got 12077. The huge success of the crowd sourcing fund money help the creator make the project come true. A selection of prints created over the development cycle of the printer. Some of the prints have support structures, but most are printed without. The prints shown range in height from 19mm to 100mm and have a layer thickness from 0.05mm to 0.4mm.

Robo hands

  • Open source 3D printer that anyone can use, regardless of knowledge and skill level.
  • Precise and high detail printing.
  • Low cost without sacrificing quality.
  • Easy to use/Easy to assemble
  • Large print area 10x10x8in / 254mm x 254mm x 203.20mm
  • Looks great, professional, and enticing
  • Sturdy structure, high quality parts, built to last
  • Great beginner printer, or advanced printer-RoBo does it all!

Robo hands is the simplication of the replicator 2 and has the strong competitive price. The robo hand is only 520 and the replicator 2 is 2199. The size of the robo 3D is also smaller thatn the reploicator 2. The Robo hand combined the best minds from the open source cpmmunity. This machine is applicable to the architects, deisignders, hobbyists, students.


The TangiBot is a clone of a popular open source 3D Printer. The same performance and features at a roughly 33% discount. There are 4 different models of tangibot. It offers the same great performance and features but it costs roughly 2/3 what others will charge you for it. The TangiBot is 100% compatible with firmware upgrades, parts and accessories that are available from multiple suppliers on the internet. Because the TangiBot uses a popular design there is also a very active community that also supports the machine The similar products I found on kickstarter is a 3D mouse.

B)Do you think kickstarter represents the future of crowd-sourced fundraising? Kickstarter provides an useful platform for people get money to develop their product. However, there also people criticize the intention of kickstarter and think they just want to make money. Josh Mac question about the kickstarter works more for engineering industry technology and people make less attention on design and arts. Josh also think that the kickstarter cultivates the illusion that when you use its fundraising tools, you are opting out of wage labor and he think the successfulness of the funding is depend on the creator’s social network community. He think the third party tool like and kickstarter would let you get less money because they would peels off a dime for every dollar your social networking community chip in and then a nickel of that dime goes to kickstarter’s exclusive money broker Amazon for processing the financials. However, I do not agree with the Josh’s opinion. I think kickstarter is a really useful platform for people to communicate and spread their ideas. They not only fund the money but also display their products, express themselves to the world. It is a good business mock interview before they truly run their business. You lose nothing even though you did not fund the money from people. This could cheer you up and make you realize why other products can fund the money and you could not. You could always refine your product until you catch the audiences eye. I highly like kickstater, if I could invent or want to develop my own product in the future, I would definitely come to kickstarter to ask people whether you like it and this could be used as customer preferences.

C) What are the drawbacks of kickstarter? Compare (and contrast ^_^ ) kickstarter to a traditional storefront. Are there alternatives to kickstarter? Compare with the traditional storefront, they both sell goods to public. Kickstarter has the advantage that they could save the money to rent the house and save the money on pre-development. However, the storefront can guarantee for customers that they could touch and feel the products and make sure they buy the things they want. If I would be an entrepreneur to develop my business in the future, I would first start my business on kickstarter and wait my products be more mature, and then when I get the money to run a real business, I would open a storefront to allow customers feel the product. I think the kickstater provide a wider opportunity for creators to start their business and help them make their dream come true. The drawback of the kickstarter is that the third party would peels off money.

blog 8

Blog number 4 review

Zhang xiaomo

I think Zhang xiaomo’s blog is really interesting. I like the reason why he chooses to study engineering that he wished to make the difference. The robohand is healing the pain of the disabled person and also the open source give boy the opportunity to have the arm again. Xiaomo clearly detailed the difference between open source and closed source, and think for the long term use, the open source would be a lower cost for the user. He also mentioned that the opensource could energize people to make innovation and people would love to share information with others.

Mark Keller

In the Mark’s blog, I realize he did a lot of outside research and list the company named Touch Bionic as an example to support his idea. He also gives me a different perspective to see the difference between the open sourced and close source. He both compare and contrast the advantage and disadvantage of them. In his blog he clearly mention that the open source prosthetic is unable to do many computer controlled things but it could help more poor people make their dream come true.


I really like the table carina used in her blog 4, it is clearly show the difference between the open source and closed source. She was moved by the determination Owen and Van collaborate together to help the disabled kids. She also mention in her blog that people should come to help people like them and make the project further step on.

Blog number 6 review


I really like Chris’s blog 6. In his blog, he summarize that President Obama hope to develop the manufacturing of the United States and also praise the ME program of UVA in which the ME program allow students to use 3D printers to print designs and mechanisms that the merits of the program has are rapid prototyping, ease of visualization and exposure to the 3D technology . I agreed with him that “seeing and doing makes things stick a lot more than mere study.” The best point I like his blog is that he could clearly see the flaw of the program which he stated that the students may not pick up skills they otherwise would have such as machining and working with different materials.


I also like Michal’s blog 6 because in the first and second parts, he clearly summarize the article. In his second part, I think he did a really good job in comparing the Reprap research in Penn State and that in University of Virginia. He point out the good merit of the program and also list the disadvantages of the program such like high entrance to using the printers. He also point out the solution which now applied in RepRap research that the juniors and seniors, they have enough knowledge and interest to help build printers for the underclass men. One reason I really like the Edesign class is that in which we not only have David as our instructor to teach us use the printers but also we have a lot of TA like Brian and other students who took this class before, their experience is really important and could help us a lot when we meet problem in this class. Concerning about the experienced students might interested in building the new printers, we have 24/7 to access to the room and fullly take advantage of the resources we like to use in the lab. I really like that I could try to build robohand by myself right now, it is like a test for myself. I could printed the parts by myself and try to assemble them together even though I have not any experience before.


Matt said in his article that the 3D printers in education is a good idea which it could get kids excited about STEM and hopefully inspire them to learn more. He pointed out that the hands on expericence could let students study engineering, technology and science deepen but also point out the cost disadvantae of the component of the education process. He also compare the cost of 3D printers used by University of Virginia and Penn State. Even though the printers in University of Virginia is much efficient than ours, the cost of them is much higher than ours. The most important things is that our program could reproduce printers which theirs could not. Furthermore, we could learn more through the original materials which they could not learned.

I really like markKeller's blog, I read all his blog and he give me a lot of ignition about how to write my blog. I would like him could get more points.

blog 9

This is one example of a ‘using photos to create 3D models’ technology, as well as a laser-scanning method. Discuss laser-scanning as compared to photo based models. Can you find any examples of a photo based method which are open source?

Laser-scanning based models VS photo based models

It is amazing that when I take a photo and scan something and apply them into the autodesk ReCap Software then the actual object would truly stand in front of me. According to the article, there is a video clearly show the scan process. The camera would detect where the laser dots are of the objects. The camera would record the data and import them into the system, then a 3D model is created waiting for be printed. The photo based models is different from the laser-scanning based models. User should take several photos of the object. The accuracy would depend on how many photos system could get. The significant difference between the two models is that the whether the angular could be printed accurately. For the laser-scanning based models, because the laser would feel every part of the object, so it would be more accurate then the photo based models in which user also need to take the picture of the angels.

these are the examples of a photo based method which are open source.

Blog 10

I am so happy that there are three people recommend my number 4’s blog. Even though at first I was frustrated about writing the blog and spent a lot of time of writing it, now writing blog and read about the science articles has been an interesting things to do on weekends. Here I quoted the comment from my peers.

“Yaqi- The project is summarized well, and points out the reasons behind pursuing an open source alternative to prosthetics. I agree with the stance she takes on open source, which is that more projects should be open source to allow improvements to be made easily without barriers.

Yaqi's blog, She talked a lot about the speed of the process. I think her point of the efficiency in time of making such product by using 3D printers is well developed.

Yayi Yang:She highly praised the contribution on 3D printing technology from Oven and Richard. They spent their lifetime working on technologies that could help disabled people out of trouble even though they don't expect to gain the economic benefits. There are people who benefit the society with their intelligence”

The content of my blog seems summarized well. In order to improve my blog better, I think I would more focus on formatting like adding more pictures as what Keller do and also add some forms when there is data need to be compared. Besides that, I think I should spend more time on researching outside materials related with the topic. The more materials I researched, the more knowledge I could learn and then the more opinions I could generated.

Blog 11

I think we should redesign the extruder. The hot tip would reach temperature around 200 Celsius degrees when printing object. The gear on extruder is made by plastic, this would cause the gear warping and the teeth on the main gear would not match the teeth on the other gear, then the filament would not clog into the extruder. I found one ideal extruder online:

This extruder is made by metal and the best part of this extruder is that it has the fan to radiate the hot of motor.

Blog 12

I would like to focus on the filament recycler. The 3D printer we are using now is not quite reliable. It will produce a lot of waste prints and failed prints. If we have a working filament recycler those non-usable parts can be converted to new filament for future print. This way we can save money on filament cost in the long run. On the environment side, the waste filament would not have a chance to be handled inappropriately. Focusing on dual-extruder will more likely to create better prints, more color could be added into one print. However, in my opinion, this is not as important as recycling waste filament. Dual extruder is better than single extruder. It could print more color on it and could generate more creativity for students. The different size of tips on extruder could have better resolution, more accurate.

Blog 13

I really interested in the topic of 3D printer apply in medical manufacturing. I think the technology could help and save more people. The organ such as heart and kidney should be transplanted by other people. Perhaps the most disruptive (in a good way) application of 3D printing in the medical world is "bioprinting"--the production of human organs for transplant. The technology involves the creation of replacement tissues and organs that are printed layer-by-layer into a three-dimensional structure. The parts are made from the organ recipient's own genetic matter, and precisely match the tissue or organ they replace. Since these printed organs or tissue are made from the patient's own cells--rather than those of a donated heart or liver, for example--there's little risk of an immune response, which lessens the need for debilitating immunosuppressive drugs.

Bonus Blog 2

The impact of 3D printing to environment 3D printing can have huge positive effect on the environmental. I think these five factors are the biggest drivers for positive change:

1. No more transporting products.

2. No more unsold products.

3. No wasted materials

4. More lifetime for what you have.

1. No more transporting products.

Our everyday products ship back and forth the continents when the raw material is gathered, refined, turned into parts, assembled into products and brought to sale in the target markets. The logistics behind a single product is incredibly complex and all those thousands of miles create huge environmental footprint. , but 3D printing services are already putting a lot of effort to print as close to the customer as possible (they save in logistics costs this way). When products are made where they're bought, it means that we would only need to transport raw materials, instead of ready-made products. This makes transporting much more cost effective.

2. No more unsold products.

3D printing is the opposite of mass production. Stores put lot of thought into handling and managing storages (unsold product in the storage is property and accounting value to the company). With one-offs, stores don't have to keep a storage, think about its turnover and effect to profitability. "Produce only what's needed" brings cost savings and less risk for stores. This is financial benefit, but on the flip side there are zero products being dumped because of bad sales.

3. No wasted materials

3D printing is also called "additive manufacturing". In the printing process products are built layer upon layer. Only the raw material that is needed to create the product is used. Metals like aluminum can be melted back to usable block.

4. More lifetimes for what you have.

3D printing is perfect for replacement parts. Small things brake from good products all the time. Now that we can custom make the needed parts with 3D printing, we can vastly increase the lifetime of the products we own. This is good for the environment as there's so much energy tied to the products we already have.
