
From RepRap
Revision as of 10:33, 6 September 2013 by Ediweber (talk | contribs) (Project Description)
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Project Description

A RepRap which is "back to the roots", in other words Focus is not on printing Speed or fancy Features but on the capability to reproduce itself.

This shall be achieved by using "RepBricks" which are easily stacked together like the famous Bricks for small children. Compatibility to Commercial Brick Systems will even allow to build a BrickStrap using your childrens Bricks.

Inspiration for this Project Comes from the following Projects: Lego_RepStrap MendeLego and LegoStrap(which is quite empty...)

however I decided to use double sized bricks to lower the part Count and increase ease of assembly

Development Goals:

- Extremely low cost - Brick based construction - Compatibility of the Bricks to Commercial Brick Systems - Easy to build - Mother-Child principle: - BrickRap children have small printing area (just enough to print parts for growing) - Capability to grow in size by printing "growth parts" - Rack and Pinion drivetrain will make growing easier - Herringbone gears will drive the Rack and thereby self-center the drivetrain

Development Status:

- conceptual work - a Picture of a model made of Commercial bricks will follow soon.