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Issues of smaller dia extruder

Posted by ajm11 
Issues of smaller dia extruder
March 26, 2011 02:21AM
I am just wondering why so few are using a finer extruder than .5. Are there a lot more issues to be concerned with at a finer layer size?
Re: Issues of smaller dia extruder
March 26, 2011 06:07AM
I think there is a big possibility that this is just inertia - This is the diameter that was initially suggested on the wiki build instructions and hence most people are using it.

I decided to start with 0.5mm because it was suggested and because at the time the smaller diameter nozzles were listed as experimental, with the possibility of moving to a smaller diameter nozzle later.

The only issue I can think of is that printing will take longer because you will be printing many more layers...

another possibility would be the increased pressure required to extrude through a smaller aperture, but I am not sure about that.

I am sure the pro's will chime in with the real reasons.
Re: Issues of smaller dia extruder
March 26, 2011 09:16AM
increased pressure is a real issue. Everything has a lower margin for error the smaller you go. Personally, I'm willing to wait for more layers for the results that come from a well working .35 extruder.
Re: Issues of smaller dia extruder
March 26, 2011 10:05AM
There is also reasonable scope for printing finer layers (i.e. less than the standard 0.4mm layers) with a 0.5 nozzle just by slowing the flow rate appropriately (and indeed I think the volumetric calculations in skeinforge 40 do this automatically for you).

You then start running into issues with things like bridges and sharp corners because you are stretching the filament.

As you reduce the nozzle size, prints take longer because not only do you need to print more layers, but each layer takes longer because the fill lines need to be placed closer together.
Re: Issues of smaller dia extruder
March 26, 2011 10:28AM
.35 is the sweet spot, most folk I know use .35 Any smaller surface tension starts destroying your ability to bridge, and larger you loose build quality.

Re: Issues of smaller dia extruder
March 26, 2011 12:54PM
I use 0.35 and it works great. Printing 0.25mm layers is really nice smiling smiley

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Re: Issues of smaller dia extruder
March 27, 2011 04:12PM
i have 2 but the one i hope to start with is my .40 one, i have heard good things about that size too, and for when i get things fine tuned, and maybe if i switch to 1.75 mm feed i will start to use my .25 but i think i will end up using that one mostly for things that need that much finer detail.

but first i need to get my Huxley built..lol one step at a time i guess.

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