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Beginner Dumb question

Posted by Jusme 
Beginner Dumb question
May 16, 2012 09:57PM
Hey all, new to forums and 3d printing. Just got a Prusa Mendel from lulzbot. Printed out some stock
Gcode files that came with it. The problem I have now is I downloaded some models from thingverse
But can't print them out. In Pronterface the model is way off the grid and won't print, the Gcode ones I
Have show up and print. I'm missing something simple here, how to zero in a model , my x and y are
Set to 100, which seems correct. How would you move the model to the center of your print bed. I looked
At the compose button in Pronterface but couldn't figur it out, any help would be greatly appreciated, because
How many octopuses does one need lol.

Btw, extremely impressed with Lulzbot, very professional delivery/packaging/setup etc ...

Re: Beginner Dumb question
May 17, 2012 12:02AM
Hey Jusme,

What software are you using to generate your gcode?

~Stay Calm Out There
Re: Beginner Dumb question
May 17, 2012 06:47AM
Using print run and slicer but don't have any cad software yet. Just cant figure out how to center a stl model to print it. Maybe
Some Gcode command to center model?

Re: Beginner Dumb question
May 17, 2012 11:20AM
my x and y are
Set to 100, which seems correct
You mention this, but where id you set it? Is it in Slicer? Have you tried the "printer and filament" tab in slic3r? there you can set an X and Y value for the center of your print.

Not sure if you had set the x and y to 100 somewhere else, just pointed out a possibility.

Quality Engineer & Hobbyist
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