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LulzBot random stopping.

Posted by Acarius10 
LulzBot random stopping.
July 11, 2012 11:44AM
I have the Lulzbot Prusa running off Pronterface on an Ubuntu machine and a portion into the second layer, the printer just stops. Pronterface says that it is still printing but it isn't. I think it might be the SD card reader. I pulled that off, but kept marlin the same. Could that be it? And if so, does anyone know how to disable the SD card in Marlin.
Re: LulzBot random stopping.
July 11, 2012 11:58AM
If your driving it from pronterface rather than running the print off the SDCard, it's most likely to be a problem with the USB connection.
I'd try reducing the comms frequency, and a different USB cable, one with ferite cores on either end.
I don't use pronterface, if it has a setting for verbose output, you should see what errors/warnings Marlin is throwing when it gets into the state.

I run Marlin with SDCard support and LCDSupport, on both my printers and one of my 2 printers has neither, but disabling it is just a question of commenting out the line in configuration.h.
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