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Kisslicer Hole Through Side/Strange paths....

Posted by mars bonfire 
Kisslicer Hole Through Side/Strange paths....
May 15, 2013 05:27PM
Things are going remarkably well with my new printer so now I moving past the simple "brick" shapes.

Specifically, envision a simple hockey puck shaped slice of a cylinder, sitting on one of its flat faces.

Now envision a hole drilled through the "side"....like a horizontal tunnel (parallel to the bed, say in the X direction), straight through. Kisslicer slices it but shows a funny set of paths outside of the part at about the Z depth of the center of the hole. I have run it through Netfabb and that does not seem to matter/fix the problem. Helpful hints appreciated.
Re: Kisslicer Hole Through Side/Strange paths....
May 15, 2013 06:39PM
Netfabb just adds degenerate triangles to models to make them manifolded. But degenerate triangles are also bad modelling practices that KS does not like and results in these little extra extrusions. You will need to fix the model by hand or use a program to make the model that does a better job. Be sure to use the latest release of KS as it highlights the errors and has a pop up key that tells you what it wrong.

If you have the pro version you could try changing the oversampling value as it can help with bad models.

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Re: Kisslicer Hole Through Side/Strange paths....
May 15, 2013 07:21PM
You 'envision'? Be specific when asking things, what are you using to design stuff.

Not that i can necessarily help. Stuff not slicing correctly is a pain in the butt. I try switching between implicitscad, openscad,(usually that doesnt take too much) using admesh, meshlab to try fix it, but it isnt fool proof. (Actually perhaps i should try narrow down some of the cases to see if there might be a bug in slic3r instead, in particular 'stuck at a height' for some linear extrudes with twist)

Also tried cura, which seems much more tolerant, but the gcode doesnt seem to play that well with my reprap. For some reason it moves the hot end up and then down, and then it gets (i think) an interference issue with the two z-motors.

Frankly not sure if .stl is even a good format..(from the perspective of the format itself not from how easily people can use it with current tools)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/15/2013 07:22PM by Jasper1984.
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