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Helix - a new $7200 printer on Kickstater

Posted by HoloPed 
Helix - a new $7200 printer on Kickstater
October 23, 2013 03:50PM
I don't even have words to describe the audacity of wanting $5000 and above for a pretty standard printer.

Re: Helix - a new $7200 printer on Kickstater
October 23, 2013 04:23PM
lol, I read the printers name as, "Helix, by Audacity" and then realized it is by Acuity.

I blame your comment for subliminal persuasion...
Re: Helix - a new $7200 printer on Kickstater
October 23, 2013 06:48PM
I wonder if they will get their funding goal?
Re: Helix - a new $7200 printer on Kickstater
October 23, 2013 06:59PM
I'm sorry but it doesn't look to impressive to me. Looks like a $2k printer for way more. I'm curious on print speeds as it uses ball screws on all axis. I noticed a good portion of the parts are bought from previous kickstarters and installed on this bot. I guess it would be expensive if I took everyone else's hard work and bought it to install on a setup, an then re-sold it. Too many kickstarters with no original designs or ground breaking improvements.

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Re: Helix - a new $7200 printer on Kickstater
October 23, 2013 07:46PM
From what I've seen Kickstarter backers are quite price sensitive. If they ask a Rolls Royce price, they will need a Rolls Royce product. It's not obvious from a video or a few sample prints that is the case. Their extruder may be be best ever, but $400? The price point suggests small industrial/professional users, but some guys in a garage on Kickstarter is not really sending the right message.

Some independent reviews would help a lot. I really think there needs to be a bit of buzz before a KS launch. After 30 days people may be coming round to the idea, but by then it's a bit late.

It's nice to see engineers trying their hand, it looks like a decent machine, but I think they could really do with applying some basic marketing. Sadly I don't see this going too well, but it can be a learning exercise for them.
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