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Autolevel with BL Touch only scans single row

Posted by MKuss 
Autolevel with BL Touch only scans single row
December 19, 2020 10:52AM
Seasons' Greetings: I recently installed the latest version of Marlin on my CR10S 5 a couple of weeks ago. This was after installing a BL Touch sensor. I configured the example configuration for bi-linear auto bed leveling, at least attempted to do this, mostly by uncommenting '#define BLTOUCH,' '#define AUTO_BED_LEVELING_BILINEAR,' ;#define RESTORE_LEVELING_AFTER_G28,' '. I set the GRID_MAX_POINTS_X (line 1340) to 4. The other features of the firmware upload are working very well (thanks to the help of a couple individuals on this forum). I was wondering where in the configuration file is the 'GRID_MAX_POINTS_X' value assigned to the Y- direction? I would any insights and assistance anyone could share. Thanks for your help.
Re: Autolevel with BL Touch only scans single row
December 19, 2020 07:54PM
GRID_MAX_POINTS_Y is typically defined to same value as GRID_MAX_POINTS_X in file configuration.h



Re: Autolevel with BL Touch only scans single row
December 19, 2020 11:57PM
That is what a couple of YouTube videos that I watched on setting up the BL Touch in Marlin had indicated. I guess my question is: why didn't the GRID_MAX_POINTS_X 4 define the GRID_MAX_POINTS_Y?
Re: Autolevel with BL Touch only scans single row
March 10, 2021 12:47PM
GRID_MAX_POINTS_Y is typically defined to same value as GRID_MAX_POINTS_X in file configuration.h




It will be alright when I define


I would like to increase number of probing points without loosing centre point (25 points take to long time).

There is some setting in configuration.h to allow change those parameters on printer screen?
Re: Autolevel with BL Touch only scans single row
March 10, 2021 01:09PM
Most likely you have PROBING_MARGIN set to the default of 10 - this means it can't probe any of the rows/columns that are closest to the edges. PROBING_MARGIN is designed to handle probes that are inaccurate near the edge of the bed (inductive/capacitive) and can be set to 0 for a BLTouch.
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