this is my first post
i am now building a mantis 9 cnc and want to use reprap electronics as i will need it in my future repstrap
first of all i live in india so i dont have access to the kits and board except sanguino and arduino.
i am going to design a board similar to alternative electronics of reprap like gen 7 and gen 2 on a board. I am not using pololu as i have a local manufacturer making board equivalent to 2.3 but in form factor of pololu
i examined the motherboard schematic but confused which parts will be in fully assembled sanguino and which are not ?
basically my boards will have following feature
gen2onaborrd like design
place to attach sanguino like breakout board
havent thought of rs485 ( does chip comes in dip ?)
whole this is thtough hole , only some smd if needed
and most impoetant sd card
This all trouble is to add sd card,
can u explain nessecity of sd card in detail
if my board dont have sd card then can i disconnect the pc ? or in sd card case can i disconnect the pc ?
sorry for bad english