I'm thinking this may be down to bad luck but I am now waiting for my 3rd SKR 1.3 now. They have been configured with TMC2130's and have both failed within a week.
I have heard a lot of good things about these boards so was surprised when the first died. I read somewhere that these boards are rather sensitive to static? So whilst getting the 2nd board up and running (replaced drivers just in case) I made sure to be grounded before touching any parts. I've been assembling all sorts of electronics kit since I was a child, without an anti-static strap and never had a problem so I doubt it is this.
The last thing I did with it was fit a full graphics LCD, which worked fine. Not long after I power cycled it and it did not come back up. My computer throws an error about the device not being recognised when plugged in and I notice that the red LED comes on and then slowly fades out. Checked all the wiring and there were no shorts or anything but I noticed that the CPU was too hot to touch.
The first SKR board that died which was a 1.4 and even took out the TFT board with it. Again, the CPU's in both of those were on the edge of catching fire and I had enough of this kind of thing with the Anet (which I'm sure would carry on printing quite happily if part of it was on fire).
I've come to think that these SKR boards are so fragile you don't have to do much more than breath on them and they pop!
Is there anything that I should be more weary of with these boards, I get the replacement today and could do without further problems. The 8 bit 2560 is solid but I want 32 bit..
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/05/2020 01:08AM by rmurphy.