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Lasercutting workflow Slic3r

Posted by Ohmarinus 
Lasercutting workflow Slic3r
January 16, 2015 06:52AM
Hey all, got it up and running. Now I am using Slic3r to generate Gcode and cut through Repetier host. This is working very well, the only thing that is not working, is the 'post processing' file I had linked in the appropriate place inside of Slic3r.

Besides that, the laser doesn't seem to be at full power at the beginning of each line it makes, so every separate cut shape has a little 'tab' that keeps it connected to the rest of the material. I think this is an issue of Ramps, as the laser is 'always on', but it might also just be something in the GCODE that is causing the laser to not output it's full power at the beginning of a shape.

The post-processing file I am trying to use is this one:

However, it doesn't seem to change anything in the output GCODE, I have the paths to PERL correctly setup, I am using a mac and have some minor experience with coding. I updated PERL to the latest version and have correctly set up Xcode too (needed to run PERL on the Mac).

The strange thing is that even when I run the script through PERL itself, it doesn't seem to change this:
G1 F1800.000 E0.15799 ; retract
into this:
M104 S0 (turns off laser)

and this:
G1 E5.00000 F1800.000 ; compensate retraction
into this:
M104 S100 (turns on laser)

That is all I need to do to the GCODE in order to have the laser turn on and off correctly at the end, and beginning of each part it cuts.

Even when outputting a simple print without search and replace, it doesn't output anything into the gcode file so my guess would be that Slic3r itself is not actually working. I can't find out how to troubleshoot this as there is no logfile available anywhere. So first step would be to find out where I can find that.

Is there anyone having experience with this? We have got to nail this! smiling smiley Also for future reference.

Re: Lasercutting workflow Slic3r
January 16, 2015 01:27PM
My workflow on Shapeoko 2 Arduino -- Gshield -- GRBL

Inkscape -- svg -- make paths (CAD)
-- there are plugins and extensions to inkscape
---- [makezine.com]

Makercam CAM --- import svg -- gen G-code

Universal G-code sender --- import g-code --- control machine

I think Makercam is specific to GRBL and don't know if it can be set up for others

It generates g-code you could feed to your machine
It uses a higher form of g-code -- arcs etc
Repetier - Marlin don't do expanded g-code functions

SeeMeCNC laser forum

Is L-cheapo keeping your place warm?
confused smiley
Re: Lasercutting workflow Slic3r
January 16, 2015 01:35PM
It is indeed possible to run GRBL for Ramps, but it's not flawless as I've understood.

Right now I just export to STL in Rhinoceros > generate GCODE with Slic3r through Repetier Host > Press play.

The only thing I'm still having trouble is that the laser doesn't turn off every time a new shape is approach. So in- between shapes it also cuts. I've compensated with setting the travel moves really high (which is very possible since the CoreXY I've built is very fast) but with a few passes it will still leave a mark.

I thought Marlin did have Arc support, but after reading on I've found out it's only an interpretation of arcs.

Yeap, nice and hot in here winking smiley Building a carbon filter now.

Re: Lasercutting workflow Slic3r
January 17, 2015 07:36AM
G2 and G3 work fine with Marlin.

Whatever your firmware does with those commands it has to ultimately interpret them into X and Y movements because that is what the mechanics understand.
Re: Lasercutting workflow Slic3r
July 06, 2016 04:57PM
i have made my own 3W laser cutting, so i make some simple modification on repetier firmware code, so it will use gcode resulted from slic3r or cura for laser cut. Because 3D slicer is advanced and can grow/shrink the outer edge, compared to simple inkscape to gcode plugin.

Also its possible to do laser shading the 2D object (in 3d slicer enable infill).

it will check the E parameter on gcode movement, if E is 0 then the laser is off.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/06/2016 04:57PM by ryannining.
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