Re: LPC port of RepRapFirmware May 02, 2019 01:34PM |
Registered: 7 years ago Posts: 110 |
Re: LPC port of RepRapFirmware May 03, 2019 06:19AM |
Registered: 11 years ago Posts: 341 |
Hi -
sdavi, thanks for this and all your hard work ! small request/suggestions - put a link on the git page to here. it took me a while to find this page. i am trying to config REARM and could use some coaching.
1. can you confirm that the LCD info applies to the usual RRD Full graphic controller? I think so but I am not sure.
//LCD Pins (only ST9720 SPI currently supported)
and that it use the same scheme as the RAMP adapter instructions from here?
I get power to the display but no info. i checked the pin assignments on the example rearm config file but no luck as of yet. It looks pretty much like the assignments I had under Marlin and Smoothie.
EDIT: smoothie had some of the pins marked as inverted and/or hi|lo. do we need to do the same here?
EDIT2: I am looking at these pages -
and have come to the conclusion that beyond the board.txt pins, you have to enable the display and write menus for it.
2. Network options- the ethernet daughterboard is out of stock at panacutt. I am trying to make heads and tails out of the ESP8266 references. Is this an option or wait for the OE hardware?
EDIT 2: I am putting all my notes for setting up my ReARM on my git page. []
Best Regards,
Re: LPC port of RepRapFirmware May 03, 2019 11:03AM |
Registered: 7 years ago Posts: 110 |
Re: LPC port of RepRapFirmware May 03, 2019 12:44PM |
Registered: 7 years ago Posts: 110 |
Re: LPC port of RepRapFirmware May 03, 2019 12:49PM |
Registered: 7 years ago Posts: 63 |
I am totally out of my element here, but I will try anyhow.... If I understand your correctly. the LPC has the functionality in it. It just needs the hardware... Panacutt is out of the adapters.
So instead, can we use something like the Waveshare LAN8270 to work as the dongle? Would this work for boards that do not have the expansion card option?
mapping the pins from this doc (highlights are mine)-
UM10360 - LPC17xx user manual
curiosuly, later in the doc, it references '1758 only'
I get these mappings.
Re: LPC port of RepRapFirmware May 03, 2019 01:01PM |
Registered: 7 years ago Posts: 110 |
Re: LPC port of RepRapFirmware May 03, 2019 01:16PM |
Registered: 7 years ago Posts: 63 |
Re: LPC port of RepRapFirmware May 03, 2019 02:53PM |
Registered: 11 years ago Posts: 14,685 |
thanks sdavi.
Perhaps I got confused by David's posts- I though that he was suggesting using something like the ESP8266 port of the Duet webserver as described here-
"ESP8266 Duet web interface for any board"
and here
"DuetWiFi Server"
It seemed like a wi-win since the ESP8266 has goobs of memory compared to the board.
I will see if I can get my hands on the ethernet module in the meantime. Otherwise, I wonder how functional a generic SPI/LAN module might work-
Hoping that dc42 might jump back into the discussion ....
Re: LPC port of RepRapFirmware May 04, 2019 10:37AM |
Registered: 7 years ago Posts: 110 |
Re: LPC port of RepRapFirmware May 08, 2019 11:49PM |
Registered: 7 years ago Posts: 110 |
Re: LPC port of RepRapFirmware May 09, 2019 01:22PM |
Registered: 13 years ago Posts: 224 |
Re: LPC port of RepRapFirmware May 10, 2019 03:45AM |
Registered: 11 years ago Posts: 341 |
I am happy to report that the menu file from here -
work really well. I tweaked them a bit for my setup, but the basic framework is there. 90+% of a functional printer is in the menues.
There are a few things that I am still trying to work through-
1. Octoprint consistently experiences a serial exception. I have looked at the suggested fixes, so far nothing has helped. Hoping that the ethernet daughter board will work and then I wont have to rely on Octoprint.
2. Access to the SD card / Sneakernet. I miss this the most from Marlin 2.0 and smoothie. With raspi/Octoprint, I was able to mount the SD card as a storage device and then ssh to the raspi and edit the smoothie config file and reset the board with M999 in the Octoprint terminal. I assume its not in the port for space saving. Again, I hope that I might be satisfied with ethernet solution.
3. PS_ON: I am working towards psu control with the PS_ON pin. With Octorprint, I used PSU control for turning on/off and power saving. I have a Pi-ATX psu hat that will take the trigger wire. (see if you want a pcb board, PM me).
4. Additional endstop trigger- I like having an estop when the machine goes out of bounds. I am trying to work through assigning a pin to E0 and wiring my switches in series NC so that if one trips, the trigger gcode macro will run.
Re: LPC port of RepRapFirmware May 10, 2019 09:18AM |
Registered: 13 years ago Posts: 224 |
Re: LPC port of RepRapFirmware May 10, 2019 10:51PM |
Registered: 11 years ago Posts: 341 |
If I load this on an SKR v1.3, will I be able to set the driver current using SPI?
Re: LPC port of RepRapFirmware May 16, 2019 12:04AM |
Registered: 7 years ago Posts: 110 |
Re: LPC port of RepRapFirmware May 16, 2019 03:23AM |
Registered: 7 years ago Posts: 63 |
Any luck on this? I am trying to make a cable adapter to mate the two - i dont have the right connectors on hand just yet.
Re: LPC port of RepRapFirmware May 23, 2019 03:13PM |
Registered: 7 years ago Posts: 63 |
Re: LPC port of RepRapFirmware May 24, 2019 02:35AM |
Registered: 11 years ago Posts: 341 |
OK. Today I got my LAN8720 in the mail. I made a cable to connect it to my re-arm and it works. However, the problem is that it is insanely slow. My upload speed is approx. 100kb/s, and since the web server only allows one connection at a time, I get timouts in chrome. However, I can make it work in Firefox.
i have a problem with that status.temps.heads is an empty variable in the ajax call that module.js makes, and that causes the interface to fail, but i suspect it to be a config error. However, I am unsure if the slow network is due to the LAN8720 module, my cabel, or the controller itself.
Re: LPC port of RepRapFirmware May 24, 2019 04:00AM |
Registered: 7 years ago Posts: 63 |
Re: LPC port of RepRapFirmware May 24, 2019 05:07AM |
Registered: 11 years ago Posts: 341 |
I mean timeouts when I load the page. As I can see, I get it on viewmodel.js, as it is the last file that is being requested, and chrome therefore gives a timeout, as it does not get downloaded in time.
When I get home I will do a ping test, and then I could design a pcb that could act as a bridge between the re-arm and the ethernet module. this would remove that uncertainty. :-)
Re: LPC port of RepRapFirmware May 24, 2019 05:17AM |
Registered: 7 years ago Posts: 63 |
That makes sense. :-)Quote
Ahhhh, I think I know whats wrong. Did you grab the www from the SD-Card folder? Looks like there is a very old version of DWC in there. That explains that status.temps.heads error as well. I didn't even know that was there, i only found it from searching for "status.temps.heads". Also, make sure to use the configurator to generate a set of config files (if you haven't already) rather than using those in the SD-Card folder as they are few years old too.
Can you download and unzip to the /www/ dir on the SDCard, it's the new DWC2.0 with few minor edits to support the LPC version?
Re: LPC port of RepRapFirmware May 24, 2019 02:57PM |
Registered: 7 years ago Posts: 63 |
Re: LPC port of RepRapFirmware May 24, 2019 07:26PM |
Registered: 7 years ago Posts: 110 |
I can hereby confirm that the LAN8720 works as a network module for the Re-arm.
Re: LPC port of RepRapFirmware May 25, 2019 01:46AM |
Registered: 7 years ago Posts: 110 |
To get everything to fit, the write buffer for the SDCard was reduced to 512 bytes - this also matched the library used for SDCard which only supports single block access (512 block size).
Re: LPC port of RepRapFirmware May 25, 2019 04:02AM |
Registered: 7 years ago Posts: 63 |
This is how i connected the LAN8720 to my Re-Arm:Quote
How did you wire up the module? Can you take a look at this and give me your thoughts ?
Do we do anything with the RSOUT pin on the bottom left of the jumper?
Re: LPC port of RepRapFirmware May 25, 2019 04:05AM |
Registered: 11 years ago Posts: 341 |
To get everything to fit, the write buffer for the SDCard was reduced to 512 bytes - this also matched the library used for SDCard which only supports single block access (512 block size).
I am confused- does this mean that the SD card in the Graphical LCD is functional?
I thought that it was not available.
Re: LPC port of RepRapFirmware May 25, 2019 04:07AM |
Registered: 7 years ago Posts: 63 |
Not the sd card on the LCD. The on-board sd card.Quote
To get everything to fit, the write buffer for the SDCard was reduced to 512 bytes - this also matched the library used for SDCard which only supports single block access (512 block size).
I am confused- does this mean that the SD card in the Graphical LCD is functional?
I thought that it was not available.
Re: LPC port of RepRapFirmware May 29, 2019 01:03PM |
Registered: 7 years ago Posts: 110 |
Re: LPC port of RepRapFirmware May 30, 2019 04:04AM |
Registered: 11 years ago Posts: 341 |
Has anyone set up a thermostatically controlled fan for hot end? If so, what pin did you use? I have not been able to get it work right with any of the available pins.
I am thinking that the best way might be to actually use a 5V triggered MOSFET off of one of the servo pins.
Any suggestions?
EDIT: I am having trouble reconnecting the PS_ON pin and getting it to function. Anyone have any luck with it?
atxPowerPin = 2.12;After some testing, currently the output doesn't match whats needed for ATX supply and is unfortunately reversed, so M80 and M81 do the opposite. I've just added fix for that problem by adding a new config entry to allow the output signal to be inverted, which will be included in the next version RRF v3.
fan.pins = {2.4, SPARE_PIN_HERE};
M106 P1 S1.0 I0 F250 H1 T45; 2nd fan, monitoring extruder temperature, trigger at 45deg
Re: LPC port of RepRapFirmware May 30, 2019 10:01PM |
Registered: 7 years ago Posts: 110 |