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End stop switches not working

Posted by gordon13 
End stop switches not working
November 30, 2011 06:14PM
Im having trouble with the mechanical stop switches on my machine. Tripping them doesn't have any effect on the motors. Ive made sure that the outer pins of the switches are connected to the outer pins (signal and gnd) on the board as shown in the diagram on the Wiki.
Ive also tried disabling the pullup resistor and reversing the end stop in the firmware. When I disable the pullup resistor, it causes the motors to only be able to go in one direction no matter if the end stops are triggered or not.
Im using Sprinter firmware and RepStrapper. Anyone know what can be causing this?
Re: End stop switches not working
December 01, 2011 09:47PM
I could be the same as my problem. I checked that the actually pins were toggling between 0 and 5V and they were. It turned out that I had not turned off the JTAG fuse that causes those 3 endstop pins to work as JTAG pins and not as inputs.

If you don't have a way of programming your fuses, you could move the pin function to a spare spin and jumper to your endstops to see if it works.
Re: End stop switches not working
December 02, 2011 01:31PM
Im not familiar with jtag and fuses. I havent seen any fuses on the sanguino so Im not sure how to do this.
Re: End stop switches not working
December 02, 2011 03:49PM
They are internal firmware 'fuses'.

First check with a multimeter at the switch and at the board to see if the voltage changes from 5v to 0v when toggling the switch. If it doesn't, then there is something wrong with your wiring or the pullup is not on.

In pins.h change the pin assignment (scroll down to motherboard=62) for the y-stop from 19 to 27. then run the endstop wire that was going to y-sig to the spare A4 input to the bottom right of the atmega.

recompile and upload to the Sanguino and see if your y-stop works (if the jtag fuse is set it could affect your x-dir as well so that why i suggest testing the y-stop)

If this works then you need to use avrdude or an avrispII programmer to check/change your fuse setting.
Re: End stop switches not working
December 02, 2011 05:21PM
I don't know what I did but it now seems to be working as it should.. No idea how! I didn't change anything in the firmware, I think I must have made a mistake with the wiring and after hours playing with it, must have wired it up properly by accident.
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