After finding out that Creality has gone cheap with the motors (the axle shape is completely round, so they slip easily), I bought myself two new motors (with the proper d-shaped axle), and some two-set-screw couplings to make the Z-axes rotate without slipping.
I'm so close, and now yet so far, because I am now having problems with the motors not turning. I have adjusted the wiring positions in the plug several times, and the only real reaction I can get is when the wires are set to opposing coil forces (which causes the motors to vibrate). The "proper" positions produce something odd, the motors engage (with the normal "thunk" that you would hear with the motors activating), and then stop.
I'm able to turn them, with some force, but it's not a smooth motion, it's more like a socket wrench.
Normally, when working properly, they should be stuck solid in place when active, unable to be moved except by the system controls. (or released by selecting "Disable Steppers" in the menu)
I tested one of the motors last night with an LED, to see if the windings were good. They seem to be, so I've run out of options.
My Marlin version is
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/10/2020 02:59PM by T-SquaredProductions.