Jazzabell - 3DR printer
November 13, 2013 08:14AM
Hello all, because for some time I building another 3d printer (my first printer is little modified rostock) and some people ask me for some informations about new printer, I hope it will be no problem when I start this thread about it. When you have some question pls ask smiling smiley And sorry for my English smiling smiley

Basic parameters:
Type: Delta printer
Original design: Richrap and his 3DR printer
Size/shape: Triangle side around 400mm height around 600m.
Printable area: circle around 180 diameter, height around 300mm
Material: Plastic part, Al profile, Carbon tube, magnet for join, Ramps electronic etc.- common things smiling smiley
Color: For now I used material witch I have at home - red and blue PLA, when everything will be tested, than I use some black/yellow material for nice and clean design.

Because my first rostock printer is very large and I want something smaller I start working on second printer. I love richrap 3dr printer so I start modified it. Main modification reasons are little different Al profile, magnet join, different upper part (electronic side is turn up).
For now I working on platform and carriages, waiting for packages with elektronic parts.

Because i use Al profile with size 30x30mm I need change design motor mount, so I make bottom-triangle part from 2 parts (main and motor mount)

Bottom have 3 same parts

Upper part I have in opposite direction than Richrap, I have clean botton with eletronic up, where will be some other layer of plastic part.

When I have some new photo I will paste it here. When you have questions dont hesitate to ask smiling smiley
Br Bajn

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/13/2013 08:16AM by Bajn.
Re: Jazzabell - 3DR printer
November 16, 2013 02:09PM
Hi all, I had a bit of time, so I finished magnetic join, platform and carriages. In the first test, I used the 10mm metal spheres and neodym magnet with diameter 3mm, 5mm long N42 quality.
Magnets are small, but it looks like they have sufficient force, testing with 300 grams weight, and everything is OK.
I'll Try to shoot better pictures next time.

Re: Jazzabell - 3DR printer
November 16, 2013 06:26PM
Nice, that looks very solid with those 30 mm extrusions. I am very curious to see how this thing performs. I would say it will be good for smaller parts that need high high accuracy and speed.Those 30 mm extrsuion give add a very good weight to the construction and should absorb a lot of vibrations and moving forces. I also have just finished my Rostock (well this thing is never really finished) and I am now looking for a small compact delta printer. I hope you will release the CAD files for everyone.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/16/2013 06:28PM by maboo.

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Re: Jazzabell - 3DR printer
November 19, 2013 09:22AM
maboo: my first printer have construction from wood (bottom,upper and in back corner) and 8mm Smooth rod height is about 700mm. This new design cant be compare with old one, it is very solid and there are no place for some inaccuracies. When I join upper parts together with screw all Al profile have right angle in first shoot, no other "tuning" of positions. Dimensions for print will be around 180mm diameter and 370mm height (when you use heatbed, without 390mm). Construction use in bottom 60mm and in upper parts 50mm from size of the Al profile.
Re: Jazzabell - 3DR printer
November 19, 2013 09:27AM
Once everything is done and tested, I will publish all the resources
Re: Jazzabell - 3DR printer
November 19, 2013 03:40PM
Ok, looking forward to your results then!

Meine 3D Druck Abenteuer
FLSUN Delta Drucker für Deutschland
Books on 3D patents:
[goo.gl] (english)
[www.amazon.de] (deutsch)
Re: Jazzabell - 3DR printer
January 12, 2014 07:12PM
Are your modifications to use magnets compatible with a stock 3DR?

I'm building a 3DR after this 3DR "Simple" build is done and am thinking magnets are the way to go.
Re: Jazzabell - 3DR printer
January 16, 2014 03:58AM
brendanjerwin: stock 3DR ???
Re: Jazzabell - 3DR printer
January 16, 2014 04:11AM
some new photo of running printer

First print was cube, but second was this smiling smiley

During building must be change size of the magnets, now it use d=6mm, H=8mm, N42 (power 1,3kg). Problem was when bowden is attached and platform move on opposite side.

What should be done:
Change hotbed holder for easy calibration.
Finish the upper part to hide the electronics and make some spool holder on top.

What should be change for next printer:
the upper part should have a different location for the electronics. Current is unnecessarily high and have below it free space.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 01/16/2014 04:12AM by Bajn.
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