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Kossel Mini auto level deploy and retract position

Posted by cephas77 
Kossel Mini auto level deploy and retract position
December 10, 2013 12:37AM
Hello !

I m buliding kossel mini and running Ramps 1.4. Marlin , how can i set the auto level deploy and retract position?

thanka a lot!

Re: Kossel Mini auto level deploy and retract position
December 11, 2013 01:29AM
you could steer the printhead from homing position stepwise to the position with pronterface (and remember how many steps it took), then you can estimate at which coordinates it is located. Then you can send the command (slow speed, for trying) via the console, for example: "G0 F1000 x=.. y=.. z=.."
(correct me if I'm wrong ;-))
Re: Kossel Mini auto level deploy and retract position
December 11, 2013 05:23AM
Hi Stahisau,
thanks for your help.
the problem is when i use G29. printer will move to deploy z probe automatically , then begin measure .
But i cant find where can adjust the coordinates in marlin.
Re: Kossel Mini auto level deploy and retract position
December 12, 2013 03:23AM
ok, i got you wrong then. Can't help you with this one, but I'll keep an eye open...the autoleveling is the next on my list to get working ;-)
Re: Kossel Mini auto level deploy and retract position
December 12, 2013 08:14PM
problem solved smileys with beer


647 +void deploy_z_probe() {
648 + feedrate = 200*60;
649 + destination[X_AXIS] = 25;
650 + destination[Y_AXIS] = 93;
651 + destination[Z_AXIS] = 100;

652 + prepare_move();
653 +
654 + feedrate = 20*60;
655 + destination[X_AXIS] = 0;
656 + prepare_move();
657 + st_synchronize();
658 +}
659 +
660 +void retract_z_probe() {
661 + feedrate = 200*60;
662 + destination[X_AXIS] = -40;
663 + destination[Y_AXIS] = -82;
664 + destination[Z_AXIS] = 10;

665 + prepare_move();
666 +

thanks at all!drinking smiley
Re: Kossel Mini auto level deploy and retract position
December 30, 2013 05:21AM
Found that my self recently, Personally I suggest you search for G29 in the gcode and disable the deploy and retract zprobe functions, those along with the coordinates belong in slic3rs pre-gcode, not hard coded into marlins main cpp.

You can just add them as G1 commands
Re: Kossel Mini auto level deploy and retract position
December 30, 2013 05:43AM
How would you add it as G1 command?
Thanks for bringing this up, I googled for this on several occasions and didn't find anything.
Re: Kossel Mini auto level deploy and retract position
January 02, 2014 02:46PM
You you first figure out where you needed to send the effector to position it to deploy the probe. For arguement sake let's use just Johann coded:

G1 X25 Y93 Z100 F7000 ; get set to deploy using the Z tower belt
G1 X0 F120 ; slowly move to the left to X=0 Y93 Z100. Probe should be deployed

;Now you do your G29 sequence

; Now to retract you need to know the coordinates of the edge you will use to push against to retract the probe
G1 X-40 Y-82 Z10 F1200
G1 Z0 F120 ; move down 10mm to retract probe. This distance and the previous line's height need to be determined manually using the jog buttons to verify

However, in my experience, the surface probing has never worked and causes some parabolic movements right after probing. What does work is calibrating the right M666 offsets after you have parallel movement of the effector to the bed and the bed is flat itself (mic6 aluminum, float glass, etc...). I have removed the probe from my mini and the only effort I put into probing is to convince others it unneeded smiling smiley

How would you add it as G1 command?
Thanks for bringing this up, I googled for this on several occasions and didn't find anything.
Re: Kossel Mini auto level deploy and retract position
January 04, 2014 04:21PM
I have a pretty switch that I retract and deploy manually on my repstrap. The glass sheet is glued directly to the flatbed scanner carriage and isn't level so the autolevel works sweet for it.
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