Rostock future version Firmware progress
February 06, 2014 02:04PM
I read from [] that future plan includes "Write a new clean delta firmware based on Grbl". I was wondering whether any progress has been made? Or is anyone working on it? It seems that currently most are using modified Marlin. It would be nice to have a version optimized for Rostock from Grbl. Any info on this would be appreciated.
Re: Rostock future version Firmware progress
February 07, 2014 04:01PM
When I read the above wiki page, I think of it more as a historical reference roadmap for future Delta development than a current to-do list. Marlin and Repetier are two firmware branches that I know of with Delta support included, and there are probably others in this list that are light years ahead of Grbl in terms of feature support (and unfortunately resources consumed):

Let me add a disclaimer that I was late to the 3D printer party, so I'm not overly familiar with the history/forks that have taken place over time.....
Re: Rostock future version Firmware progress
February 08, 2014 03:31PM
Yeah, I think that plan is quite out of date. I'm not sure why GRBL was mentioned, it doesn't seem to be particularly advantageous for Deltas, and the core algorithm from GRBL is now implemented in a lot of other firmwares anyway.

The idea of writing a super new firmware that works for any type of non-cartesian kinematics, and takes advantage of the ARM processors is still a good one I think.

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Re: Rostock future version Firmware progress
February 08, 2014 08:12PM
The idea of writing a super new firmware that works for any type of non-cartesian kinematics, and takes advantage of the ARM processors is still a good one I think.

I'd just settle for any electronics board and firmware that labels the steppers A/B/C instead of X/Y/Z for a Delta printer! With both Cartesian and Delta settings in one config file, it gets confusing real quick when you're trying to figure out things like whether the X software endstop applies to the tower carriage range of travel or how far the print head is allowed to move in the X direction when configuring a Delta from scratch.....
Re: Rostock future version Firmware progress
February 09, 2014 04:33AM
I'd just settle for any electronics board and firmware that labels the steppers A/B/C instead of X/Y/Z for a Delta printer! With both Cartesian and Delta settings in one config file, it gets confusing real quick when you're trying to figure out things like whether the X software endstop applies to the tower carriage range of travel or how far the print head is allowed to move in the X direction when configuring a Delta from scratch.....

Try my APrinter firmware! It does exactly that, and M114 will in fact print both the XYZ and ABC positions. And you can even move the ABC manually with G1, for testing/calibration purposes. Note you'll need one of the supported ARM based controllers, the AVR is too slow and has too little RAM to work nicely with my firmware for delta.
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