Marlin for delta printer
September 04, 2015 04:15AM

What is the best Marlin version for delta printer ?
I've seen many versions but witch one can I use ?
I'd like to use M666 command.

Best regards,
Re: Marlin for delta printer
September 04, 2015 10:39AM
I am using Rich Cattell's fork of Marlin which includes his work on a G30 A auto-calibration routine. I use an M666 command to set my height after the calibration finishes followed by an M500 to save the changes to the EEPROM.
Re: Marlin for delta printer
September 04, 2015 04:43PM
You need exactly Marlin?

Try Repetier firmware - much better and stable than Marlin. Movements are smoother, graphic LCD isn't affecting print quality (pauses during print due to LCD refresh) so much and so on. Very good firmware. I have tried both original Marlin and Repetier firmware.

Now I'm using Duet electronics with dc42 firmware (highly recommend! excellent hardware and firmware!)
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