Does RADDS have the right pins to support a Smart Effector PCB?
February 14, 2018 04:57PM
I'm having the absolute WORST time just trying to find an effector for my Delta that works. I spent a week just getting the RADDS working, a week discovering that the effector that came with my printer is non-spec, and most of a year, just sourcing parts, and sitting around, waiting. Needless to say, I'm pretty fed up, and I'm about three inches away from just throwing my printer in the trash. Nothing on earth is worth the kind of time I've wasted on this god damned Chinesium printer. Absolutely NOTHING. Don't buy Chinese, folks! Get the right tool for the job, the first time, and you'll have fewer grey hairs!

The only light in the darkness was coming across the PCB Magball Effector for the Duet. It looks like it would certainly work with just about anything running RepRap Firmware and the right amount of pins, but, as I don't have one in my hands right this second, I cannot tell what goes where, and what pins aren't standard on the RADDS, RAMPS, et al. It doesn't look like anything non-native, but I want to make sure before I spend money on something I can't fully use.

So, before I potentially make a big financial mistake, can I actually put a Delta Smart Effector on my Kossel, plug it in, and have it calibrate, using the RepRap firmware and RADDS? Is there anything I need to look out for? Will it take up the pinspace I have set aside for my PanelDue? If I have to go through rebuying another expensive piece for my delta, then don't come to school tomorrow, because I'll be the next Dylan Klebold.

Edited 7 time(s). Last edit at 02/14/2018 09:47PM by Lobotomy.
Re: Does RADDS have the right pins to support a Smart Effector PCB?
February 15, 2018 12:31AM
In normal use, the Smart Effector should work with any electronics and firmware, because it produces an active high digital signal. It's only if you want to send it a programming command to change the sensitivity that a complication arises, because then you need an output pin to provide the signal from the electronics to the effector, along with firmware that can send the right signals. RepRapFirmware on RADDS should fit the bill because pin 34 (aka X max endstop according to the comment in the source code) appears to be allocated for this purpose; but AFAIK nobody has tried it yet.

Large delta printer [], E3D tool changer, Robotdigg SCARA printer, Crane Quad and Ormerod

Disclosure: I design Duet electronics and work on RepRapFirmware, [].
Re: Does RADDS have the right pins to support a Smart Effector PCB?
February 15, 2018 03:55AM
In order to use X-max endstop, you'd have to use the stall detection method for homing.
On RADDS there is only one pin for z-probes: PWM3, but on Duet I have to use E0-stop for proximity sensors and the Z-probe connector for the Smart Effector. Are they the same?
Re: Does RADDS have the right pins to support a Smart Effector PCB?
February 15, 2018 05:37AM
In order to use X-max endstop, you'd have to use the stall detection method for homing.
On RADDS there is only one pin for z-probes: PWM3, but on Duet I have to use E0-stop for proximity sensors and the Z-probe connector for the Smart Effector. Are they the same?

From the Pins-RADDS.h file in RRF:

// Endstops
// E Stops not currently used
// Note: RepRapFirmware only as a single endstop per axis
//       gcode defines if it is a max ("high end") or min ("low end")
//       endstop.  gcode also sets if it is active HIGH or LOW
// 28 = RADDS X min
// 30 = RADDS Y min
// 32 = RADDS Z min
// 39 = RADDS PWM3
// This leaves 34, 36, and 38 as spare pins (X, Y, Z max)

const Pin END_STOP_PINS[DRIVES] = { 28, 30, 32, 39, NoPin, NoPin, NoPin, NoPin };


// Z Probe pin
// Must be an ADC capable pin.  Can be any of the ARM's A/D capable
// pins even a non-Arduino pin.
const Pin Z_PROBE_PIN = 5;  // RADDS "ADC" pin

// Digital pin number to turn the IR LED on (high) or off (low)
// D34 -- unused X-max on RADDS
const Pin Z_PROBE_MOD_PIN = 34;

I hope this clarifies things. When running RRF for RADDS on a delta, you would connect the endstops to the Min endstop pins, even though they are max endstops.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 02/15/2018 05:38AM by dc42.

Large delta printer [], E3D tool changer, Robotdigg SCARA printer, Crane Quad and Ormerod

Disclosure: I design Duet electronics and work on RepRapFirmware, [].
Re: Does RADDS have the right pins to support a Smart Effector PCB?
February 15, 2018 02:50PM
So, to clarify, endstop max pins on min pins, as they always were, Effector Z-probe pin on the PWM3 cluster, additional (???) Effector pin on X-max, and everything else should be fine? I'm still a little confused, but hopefully that'll be ironed out as I play with it.

I would prefer to use endstop switches, as I don't have TMC2660/2100s.

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 02/16/2018 04:39AM by Lobotomy.
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