Open Learning Ireland - Sunday 3rd June, Exchange Dublin, Temple Bar
May 30, 2012 11:29AM
Hi all. This is slightly off-topic, but I thought some of you might be interested.

Open Learning Ireland are hosting an open-day this Sunday, 3rd June, at Exchange Dublin, Temple Bar (Dublin).

I mention it here partly because I'm provisionally scheduled to demonstrate my Reprap printer there. The organisers have assured me that poor print quality will be overlooked - which is just as well in my case. (They just want a "proof of concept".)

Open Learning Ireland hope to develop a "free, open access learning space in the city".

For more information, see their website: [] .

If anyone's interested, it's on from 12PM till 8PM.

Re: Open Learning Ireland - Sunday 3rd June, Exchange Dublin, Temple Bar
May 30, 2012 06:38PM
Nice one David,
Best of luck with the demo!

Re: Open Learning Ireland - Sunday 3rd June, Exchange Dublin, Temple Bar
June 01, 2012 06:55PM
It turns out that the PLA filament I ordered hasn't arrived, so I'm very low on filament. Since I have very few decent prints already, my demo might be a bit of a let-down. Oh well ...

Anyway, even if my Reprap demo is not as good as it could be, there's going to be a lot of other cool stuff going on on Sunday - including a bike workshop, sitcom / comedy workshop, hardware hacking / arduino, "circuit bending", psychology experiments - and more!

So, even if not just to meet another Reprapper, it could definitely be worthwhile coming along anyway!

One more thing ...
If any Reprappers do come along and happen to have some 1.75mm PLA filament they can spare and are willing to donate, I'd really appreciate it (my hot-end can't take 3mm filament and I haven't tried ABS at all). I will pay you whatever you paid for it originally. As it stands, I only have enough to print a few tiny parts.
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