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I'm joining the madness that is 3D printing

Posted by Peterthinks 
I'm joining the madness that is 3D printing
June 16, 2013 02:03PM
I have a Rigidbot coming to me....in December, gahhhh have to wait for the kickstarter thing. Looks like a good product. Even with a few rolls of plastic, heated bed, LCD and SD I'm getting a 10x10x10 inch 3D printer for about $500. It's a kit but I wouldn't have it any other way.

I've also started ordering motors, electronics and rods, first thing on my list is another printer. I'm considering something totally ridiculous like two feet by two feet by 4 feet print area. If I make the print area 5 foot 6 inches long I can make a 1:1 scale print of me! I haven't decided yet. Either that or something that would fit in an ammo can. So keep an eye out for me. I'll be doing crazy stuff in Strathmore Alberta and I intend to wander into the Calgary Protospace on a Tuesday. I'm Peterthinks on Thingiverse and Tinkercad if you want to keep an eye on me.

Attached file is what happens when you cross a sex toy and a GoPro camera mount.....suitable for hands free operation while nude skydiving.

I'm a little odd, I make no apologies.
open | download - go_pro_camera_mount (1).stl (232.5 KB)
Re: I'm joining the madness that is 3D printing
August 05, 2013 04:18PM
Ill make you a Go Pro Mount for Nothing...
Re: I'm joining the madness that is 3D printing
May 04, 2014 12:22AM
A little update...for the two people who read this every five months. I canceled my Rigidbot. I actually ordered enough stuff that I had all the parts to make one from scratch. So I've made a repstrap from wood. I also lowered the part count dramatically! I'm just waiting on a hot end and I'll be up and printing. Everything else is all hooked up and calibrated. When I'm able to print I'll make some more compact parts and increase the build area.
Re: I'm joining the madness that is 3D printing
January 18, 2022 09:35PM
Ok I have an Easythreed X1
I am trying to connect the Bed to the Board and having no luck making it hit 60C best I have got so far is 58C and that was P900 I200 D1000 It's so cold it times out before the PID AutoTune can start, and I am pumping in 13VDC from a 25Amp supply the Board and Heat bed are Rated for 12 to 24VDC the Original would ache ave 61C with a 12VDC 2.5Amp Brick people suggested I check its Resistance how DO I do that set my multi meter set to Ohms? I guess
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