pete-theobald Wrote:
> I had a few ideas for improving the heated bed in
> my printer and I thought I'd share them and see
> what other people think. I have an orca and the
> aluminium bed is slightly warped at the moment and
> its about 0.2mm lower on two opposite corners. I
> added a glass plate to it using silicon adhesive
> and its pretty flat now but not perfect. I had two
> ideas
Are you 100% sure that the bed warping is the problem? I'm just asking because I had the same problem with the same printer and a real cause was that the Y rails were not parallel and the bed was rotating a little bit while going back and forth. That causes a situation like you describe, you can level two diagonal corners correctly but can't get the last two on the same level no matter what. When I used a small spirit level and tweaked the Z-Y rod assembly until the Y carriage ran totally straight I got the bed perfectly leveled too.