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Trying to update from 0.71 to 0.91 firmware has me baffled

Posted by InlineTwin 
Trying to update from 0.71 to 0.91 firmware has me baffled
January 25, 2014 10:21PM
My printer is a Prusa with Sanguinololu 1.3a. In firmware 0.91 I setup the configuration same as what I had in 0.71 unfortunately when commanded to move the X or Y axis the motors stall and get hot; no movement. Command to move the Z or E and the motors do nothing (not powered). Everything else appears to work correctly; cooling fan, extruder heater and temp sensor, hot bed heater and temp sensor all function as the should.

I switched back to 0.71 and the printer works as it should. Anyone have a suggestion what may be the issue with my setup of the 0.91 firmware?

/* Below you will find the configuration string, that created this Configuration.h

========== Start configuration string ==========
    "editMode": 2,
    "processor": 0,
    "baudrate": 76800,
    "xStepsPerMM": 71.65,
    "yStepsPerMM": 71.65,
    "zStepsPerMM": 2267.72,
    "xInvert": 0,
    "xInvertEnable": 0,
    "eepromMode": 1,
    "yInvert": 0,
    "yInvertEnable": 0,
    "zInvert": "1",
    "zInvertEnable": 0,
    "extruder": [
            "id": 0,
            "heatManager": 1,
            "pidDriveMin": 40,
            "pidDriveMax": 230,
            "pidMax": 255,
            "sensorType": 1,
            "sensorPin": "TEMP_0_PIN",
            "heaterPin": "HEATER_0_PIN",
            "inverse": 0,
            "maxFeedrate": 50,
            "startFeedrate": 20,
            "invert": "0",
            "invertEnable": "0",
            "acceleration": 5000,
            "watchPeriod": 1,
            "pidP": 7,
            "pidI": 2,
            "pidD": 40,
            "advanceK": 0,
            "advanceL": 0,
            "waitRetractTemp": 150,
            "waitRetractUnits": 0,
            "waitRetract": 0,
            "stepsPerMM": 545.97,
            "coolerPin": -1,
            "coolerSpeed": 255,
            "selectCommands": "",
            "deselectCommands": "",
            "xOffset": 0,
            "yOffset": 0,
            "xOffsetSteps": 0,
            "yOffsetSteps": 0,
            "stepper": {
                "name": "Extruder 0",
                "step": "E0_STEP_PIN",
                "dir": "E0_DIR_PIN",
                "enable": "E0_ENABLE_PIN"
            "advanceBacklashSteps": 0
    "uiLanguage": 0,
    "uiController": 0,
    "xMinEndstop": 1,
    "yMinEndstop": 1,
    "zMinEndstop": 1,
    "xMaxEndstop": 0,
    "yMaxEndstop": 0,
    "zMaxEndstop": 0,
    "motherboard": 62,
    "driveSystem": 0,
    "xMaxSpeed": 200,
    "xHomingSpeed": 40,
    "xTravelAcceleration": 1000,
    "xPrintAcceleration": 1000,
    "yMaxSpeed": 200,
    "yHomingSpeed": 40,
    "yTravelAcceleration": 1000,
    "yPrintAcceleration": 1000,
    "zMaxSpeed": 2,
    "zHomingSpeed": 2,
    "zTravelAcceleration": 100,
    "zPrintAcceleration": 100,
    "xMotor": {
        "name": "X motor",
        "step": "X_STEP_PIN",
        "dir": "X_DIR_PIN",
        "enable": "X_ENABLE_PIN"
    "yMotor": {
        "name": "Y motor",
        "step": "Y_STEP_PIN",
        "dir": "Y_DIR_PIN",
        "enable": "Y_ENABLE_PIN"
    "zMotor": {
        "name": "Z motor",
        "step": "Z_STEP_PIN",
        "dir": "Z_DIR_PIN",
        "enable": "Z_ENABLE_PIN"
    "enableBacklash": "0",
    "backlashX": 0,
    "backlashY": 0,
    "backlashZ": 0,
    "stepperInactiveTime": 360,
    "maxInactiveTime": 0,
    "xMinPos": 0,
    "yMinPos": 0,
    "zMinPos": 0,
    "xLength": 200,
    "yLength": 200,
    "zLength": 120,
    "alwaysCheckEndstops": "1",
    "disableX": "0",
    "disableY": "0",
    "disableZ": "0",
    "disableE": "0",
    "xHomeDir": "-1",
    "yHomeDir": "-1",
    "zHomeDir": "-1",
    "xEndstopBack": 1,
    "yEndstopBack": 1,
    "zEndstopBack": 0,
    "deltaSegmentsPerSecondPrint": 180,
    "deltaSegmentsPerSecondTravel": 70,
    "deltaDiagonalRod": 445,
    "deltaHorizontalRadius": 209.25,
    "deltaAlphaA": 210,
    "deltaAlphaB": 330,
    "deltaAlphaC": 90,
    "deltaRadiusCorrA": 0,
    "deltaRadiusCorrB": 0,
    "deltaRadiusCorrC": 0,
    "deltaXOffsetSteps": 0,
    "deltaYOffsetSteps": 0,
    "deltaZOffsetSteps": 0,
    "deltaSegmentsPerLine": 24,
    "stepperHighDelay": 0,
    "stepDoublerFrequency": 12000,
    "allowQuadstepping": "1",
    "doubleStepDelay": 1,
    "maxHalfstepInterval": 1999,
    "maxJerk": 20,
    "maxZJerk": 0.3,
    "moveCacheSize": 16,
    "moveCacheLow": 10,
    "lowTicksPerMove": 250000,
    "enablePowerOnStartup": "1",
    "echoOnExecute": "1",
    "sendWaits": "1",
    "ackWithLineNumber": "1",
    "killMethod": 1,
    "useAdvance": "0",
    "useQuadraticAdvance": "0",
    "powerInverting": 0,
    "mirrorX": 0,
    "mirrorXMotor": {
        "name": "Extruder 1",
        "step": "E1_STEP_PIN",
        "dir": "E1_DIR_PIN",
        "enable": "E1_ENABLE_PIN"
    "mirrorY": 0,
    "mirrorYMotor": {
        "name": "Extruder 1",
        "step": "E1_STEP_PIN",
        "dir": "E1_DIR_PIN",
        "enable": "E1_ENABLE_PIN"
    "mirrorZ": 0,
    "mirrorZMotor": {
        "name": "Extruder 1",
        "step": "E1_STEP_PIN",
        "dir": "E1_DIR_PIN",
        "enable": "E1_ENABLE_PIN"
    "dittoPrinting": "0",
    "featureServos": "0",
    "servo0Pin": 11,
    "servo1Pin": -1,
    "servo2Pin": -1,
    "servo3Pin": -1,
    "featureWatchdog": "0",
    "hasHeatedBed": "0",
    "enableZProbing": "0",
    "extrudeMaxLength": 160,
    "homeOrder": "HOME_ORDER_YXZ",
    "featureController": 0,
    "uiPrinterName": "RepRap",
    "uiPrinterCompany": "Home made",
    "uiPagesDuration": 4000,
    "uiAnimation": "1",
    "uiDisablePageswitch": "1",
    "uiAutoReturnAfter": 30000,
    "featureKeys": "0",
    "uiEncoderSpeed": 1,
    "uiKeyBouncetime": 10,
    "uiKeyFirstRepeat": 500,
    "uiKeyReduceRepeat": 50,
    "uiKeyMinRepeat": 50,
    "featureBeeper": "0",
    "uiPresetBedTempPLA": 60,
    "uiPresetBedABS": 120,
    "uiPresetExtruderPLA": 190,
    "uiPresetExtruderABS": 226,
    "uiMinHeatedBed": 30,
    "uiMaxHeatedBed": 120,
    "uiMinEtxruderTemp": 170,
    "uiMaxExtruderTemp": 260,
    "uiExtruderFeedrate": 2,
    "uiExtruderRetractDistance": 3,
    "maxBedTemperature": 250,
    "bedSensorType": 1,
    "bedSensorPin": "TEMP_1_PIN",
    "bedHeaterPin": "HEATER_1_PIN",
    "bedHeatManager": 0,
    "bedUpdateInterval": 5000,
    "bedPidDriveMin": 80,
    "bedPidDriveMax": 255,
    "bedPidP": 196,
    "bedPidI": 33,
    "bedPidD": 290,
    "bedPidMax": 255,
    "caseLightPin": -1,
    "bedSkipIfWithin": 3,
    "gen1T0": 25,
    "gen1R0": 100000,
    "gen1Beta": 4036,
    "gen1MinTemp": -20,
    "gen1MaxTemp": 300,
    "gen1R1": 0,
    "gen1R2": 4700,
    "gen2T0": 25,
    "gen2R0": 100000,
    "gen2Beta": 4036,
    "gen2MinTemp": -20,
    "gen2MaxTemp": 300,
    "gen2R1": 0,
    "gen2R2": 4700,
    "gen3T0": 25,
    "gen3R0": 100000,
    "gen3Beta": 4036,
    "gen3MinTemp": -20,
    "gen3MaxTemp": 300,
    "gen3R1": 0,
    "gen3R2": 4700,
    "userTable0": {
        "r1": 0,
        "r2": 4700,
        "temps": [

    "userTable1": {
        "r1": 0,
        "r2": 4700,
        "temps": [

    "userTable2": {
        "r1": 0,
        "r2": 4700,
        "temps": [

    "tempHysteresis": 0,
    "pidControlRange": 20,
    "skipM109Within": 2,
    "extruderFanCoolTemp": 50,
    "minTemp": 150,
    "maxTemp": 275,
    "minDefectTemp": -10,
    "maxDefectTemp": 290,
    "arcSupport": "1",
    "featureMemoryPositionWatchdog": "1",
    "forceChecksum": "0",
    "sdExtendedDir": "1",
    "featureFanControl": "1",
    "fanPin": "FAN_PIN",
    "scalePidToMax": 0,
    "zProbePin": -1,
    "zProbePullup": "0",
    "zProbeOnHigh": "0",
    "zProbeXOffset": 0,
    "zProbeYOffset": 0,
    "zProbeWaitBeforeTest": "0",
    "zProbeSpeed": 2,
    "zProbeXYSpeed": 150,
    "zProbeHeight": 40,
    "zProbeStartScript": "",
    "zProbeFinishedScript": "",
    "featureAutolevel": "1",
    "zProbeX1": 20,
    "zProbeY1": 20,
    "zProbeX2": 160,
    "zProbeY2": 20,
    "zProbeX3": 100,
    "zProbeY3": 160,
    "zProbeSwitchingDistance": 1,
    "zProbeRepetitions": 1,
    "sdSupport": "0",
    "sdCardDetectPin": -1,
    "sdCardDetectInverted": "0",
    "uiStartScreenDelay": 1000,
    "xEndstopBackMove": 5,
    "yEndstopBackMove": 5,
    "zEndstopBackMove": 1,
    "xEndstopRetestFactor": 3,
    "yEndstopRetestFactor": 3,
    "zEndstopRetestFactor": 3,
    "xMinPin": "X_MIN_PIN",
    "yMinPin": "Y_MIN_PIN",
    "zMinPin": "Z_MIN_PIN",
    "xMaxPin": "X_MAX_PIN",
    "yMaxPin": "Y_MAX_PIN",
    "zMaxPin": "Z_MAX_PIN",
    "deltaHomeOnPower": "0",
    "fanBoardPin": -1,
    "heaterPWMSpeed": 0,
    "hasMAX6675": false,
    "hasMAX31855": false,
    "hasGeneric1": false,
    "hasGeneric2": false,
    "hasGeneric3": false,
    "hasUser0": false,
    "hasUser1": false,
    "hasUser2": false,
    "numExtruder": 1,
    "version": 91
========== End configuration string ==========
Re: Trying to update from 0.71 to 0.91 firmware has me baffled
January 26, 2014 03:54AM
Compare the generated Configuration.h wth your working Configuration.h. The motor and endstop parts should be identical. If not you have found the reason. One other reason could be eeprom usage. Change eeprom mode to overwrite the old settings in eeprom. The jump from 0.71 is big and 0.71 did not have a version counter, so it could be that eeprom settings are not set correctly.

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Re: Trying to update from 0.71 to 0.91 firmware has me baffled
January 26, 2014 10:40AM
Very good. Answer was overwrite EEPROM. Thank You!
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