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Hit XYZ Stops and Center Each Time Printer is Connected?

Posted by Garry Bartsch 
Hit XYZ Stops and Center Each Time Printer is Connected?
November 04, 2013 03:24PM
I've just built the machine and completed testing. After hitting the XYZ stops the manual instructs to enter G1 X0 Y0 Z100 F30000 to center the axes. This is working fine. But does this need to be done each time the printer is connected afresh? I ask because if I don't do this after disconnecting and connecting again the end stops sometimes hit if I jog the axes using the Pronterface buttons.

I am going to guess it does need this each time the printer is connect because entering G1 X0 Y0 Z100 F30000 writes nothing to printrunconf.ini or the Melzi so where is anything being remembered? Or please correct me.

So, if the above is true, can I not make a button that sends G1 X0 Y0 Z100 F30000? This looks easy to do: 1) Click the +, 2) Fill in Title, Command (G1 X0 Y0 Z100 F30000?) and Button Color. I guess ignore Macro? Done.

I think this will work and would like to try but I am so new at this I'm hesitant yet. I appreciate any comments. Thanks.
Re: Hit XYZ Stops and Center Each Time Printer is Connected?
November 04, 2013 03:54PM
That step in the manual is just to prove that once you "home" the axes, that you can't then hit the end-stops in normal use due to the firmware limits. In normal printing your gcode will include a G28 command to home all axes before beginning the print so from there on in you should be fine.
Re: Hit XYZ Stops and Center Each Time Printer is Connected?
November 04, 2013 04:04PM
That step in the manual is just to prove that once you "home" the axes, that you can't then hit the end-stops in normal use due to the firmware limits. In normal printing your gcode will include a G28 command to home all axes before beginning the print so from there on in you should be fine.

Sweet. Thank you!

Curiously, so I understand theory and practice, I'm wondering would my button idea work? I mean, is that the way to make buttons?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/04/2013 04:20PM by Garry Bartsch.
Re: Hit XYZ Stops and Center Each Time Printer is Connected?
November 04, 2013 05:02PM
Yes, but the config I supply already has a green HOME button defined which runs a HOME macro.

The macro does:

Also the start.gcode always homes the machine at the start of a build so you don't need to do anything but switch it on and then tell it to print. No need to jog once the axes are tested.

Re: Hit XYZ Stops and Center Each Time Printer is Connected?
November 04, 2013 05:54PM
Thank you Chris, soon I will have this all figured out. Best regards, Garry
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