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Re-ARM for RAMPS, simple 32-bit upgrade

Posted by Dust 
Re-ARM for RAMPS, simple 32-bit upgrade
November 10, 2016 11:16PM


The easy way to upgrade your ramps system to 32bit.

You unplug the old mega and plug in this new board (presuming it fits in your enclosure) and your done (hardware wise)

This board runs smoothieware, no it will not run Marlin or Repetier or other 8 bit firmwares.

Disclaimer: I’m not associated with this kickstarter in anyway, I just think its a very good idea and well worth supporting.

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 11/10/2016 11:24PM by Dust.
Re: Re-ARM for RAMPS, simple 32-bit upgrade
November 11, 2016 01:51PM
I almost backed it, but I don't need another smoothie board right now. It's a great idea. Smoothie has the best configuration system - the only sane one, I'd say grinning smiley. A win, all in all, IMO.
Re: Re-ARM for RAMPS, simple 32-bit upgrade
November 16, 2016 12:20PM
I have signed up for one of these boards, it's quite likely that Marlin will get ported to it!

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Re: Re-ARM for RAMPS, simple 32-bit upgrade
November 16, 2016 06:32PM
I almost backed it, but I don't need another smoothie board right now. It's a great idea. Smoothie has the best configuration system - the only sane one, I'd say grinning smiley. A win, all in all, IMO.

I guess you haven't seen the RepRapFirmware/Duet configuration system then. And you can edit the configuration file directly in the web interface.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/16/2016 06:36PM by dc42.

Large delta printer [miscsolutions.wordpress.com], E3D tool changer, Robotdigg SCARA printer, Crane Quad and Ormerod

Disclosure: I design Duet electronics and work on RepRapFirmware, [duet3d.com].
Re: Re-ARM for RAMPS, simple 32-bit upgrade
November 17, 2016 03:43AM
Jesus, don't you ever get tired of spamming for Duet? Desperate for sales?

Whatever the topic, on any web site, you manage to get a plug in for Duet. You're as bad as Arthur Wolf!

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Re: Re-ARM for RAMPS, simple 32-bit upgrade
November 17, 2016 06:06PM
... You're as bad as Arthur Wolf!

Thanks for the compliment! smiling smiley

Large delta printer [miscsolutions.wordpress.com], E3D tool changer, Robotdigg SCARA printer, Crane Quad and Ormerod

Disclosure: I design Duet electronics and work on RepRapFirmware, [duet3d.com].
Re: Re-ARM for RAMPS, simple 32-bit upgrade
November 18, 2016 04:43AM

"it's quite likely that Marlin will get ported to it!" I really hope not.. that would be a step backwards. (in my view)
Re: Re-ARM for RAMPS, simple 32-bit upgrade
December 01, 2016 05:25PM
Jesus, don't you ever get tired of spamming for Duet? Desperate for sales?

Whatever the topic, on any web site, you manage to get a plug in for Duet. You're as bad as Arthur Wolf!

Just saw this doing my yearly reprap forums "Smoothie" search.

Completely unrelated but : love your signature. I really with people would defend Open-Hardware, and denounce -NC licenses masquerading as Open-Source more.

The reprap wiki is littered with advertising for proprietary stuff because of the completely stupid "if you can look at the source it's Open-Source, even if you can't do what you want with it" policy they implemented there.
Re: Re-ARM for RAMPS, simple 32-bit upgrade
December 03, 2016 12:11AM
"482 Backers, 550 board pledges! Thanks for the awesome support!"

Re: Re-ARM for RAMPS, simple 32-bit upgrade
December 05, 2016 03:36AM
Would it be possible to buy the board after this campaign? (I've completely forgot about it and looked at the campaign too late)
Re: Re-ARM for RAMPS, simple 32-bit upgrade
December 06, 2016 12:14AM
I suspect the developers [www.panucatt.com] will have this product available
Re: Re-ARM for RAMPS, simple 32-bit upgrade
January 06, 2017 04:44PM
Re-ARM for RAMPS is shipping out to kickstarter supporters

KS comments out at:


Documentation out at


smiling smiley
Re: Re-ARM for RAMPS, simple 32-bit upgrade
January 06, 2017 04:44PM

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/06/2017 09:13PM by cozmicray.
Re: Re-ARM for RAMPS, simple 32-bit upgrade
January 07, 2017 09:27AM
Yep, got my kick-starter "Response Needed" shipping confirmation e-mail today, for the January run.

And there was a bunch sent out last December to a lucky 191 lucky backers

Can't decide which machine needs it most smiling smiley (obviously all of them, but one has to be first)
Re: Re-ARM for RAMPS, simple 32-bit upgrade
January 11, 2017 10:40PM
Recently I got one of December delivery lot, and testing basic functions for now. It seems run pretty good in the mean time but it's hard to trace in case of trouble because of non-disclosure schematics and non-equipped Smoothie standard 4 LEDs. Attached image shows superior web interface access via Ethernet - WiFi note pad.

Genie - designer of bitfab::Hexagon Heatedbed in purple. PM me if you wish to get original one of the best quality.
open | download - RIMG0621_m.JPG (326.9 KB)
Re: Re-ARM for RAMPS, simple 32-bit upgrade
January 12, 2017 04:41AM
with this pinout it should be possible to add in leds

From a quick googling they are on the following, though one would hope you can redefine the pins.

P1.18 led1 h/w PWM capable. can be free if leds_disable is set true in config.
P1.19 led2 can be free if leds_disable is set true in config.
P1.20 led3 h/w PWM capable. can be free if leds_disable is set true in config.
P1.21 led4 h/w PWM capable. can be free if leds_disable is set true in config.

these are broken out and available on the ramps. D11, D4, D5, D6
All available on the servos connector

Can someone check this? (going a bit cross eyed here)

But if so its very easy to add in the 4 LEDS without any code changes.

NB Disclaimer, I don’t have a re-arm yet... This is all from information on the internet. I can't check any of it at this time.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 01/12/2017 04:53AM by Dust.
Re: Re-ARM for RAMPS, simple 32-bit upgrade
January 13, 2017 07:24AM
Hey Dust,

You're right! Additional four LEDs are able to help out in case of trouble... but its location order would be left to right, LED3-LED4-LED2-LED1 at RAMPS SERVOS header. I have uploaded sneak movie on YouTube Re-ARM Smoothie 4 LEDs. Used my stock orange LEDs and 1K ohm resistor in series connected each digital port to GND.

Note: config.txt should edited as - leds_disable false

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 01/13/2017 12:29PM by Genie.

Genie - designer of bitfab::Hexagon Heatedbed in purple. PM me if you wish to get original one of the best quality.
Re: Re-ARM for RAMPS, simple 32-bit upgrade
January 13, 2017 07:39AM

Looking good. Love the total lack of a pcb smiling smiley
Re: Re-ARM for RAMPS, simple 32-bit upgrade
January 13, 2017 07:40AM
Dust smileys with beer

Genie - designer of bitfab::Hexagon Heatedbed in purple. PM me if you wish to get original one of the best quality.
Re: Re-ARM for RAMPS, simple 32-bit upgrade
March 13, 2017 10:59PM
I know I'm a little late, but you can buy the Re-arm board here: Re-arm board grinning smiley
Re: Re-ARM for RAMPS, simple 32-bit upgrade
March 16, 2017 09:39PM
I've been donated a Re-ARM for the purpose of porting Marlin (as part of the effort to support 32-bit boards, generally). Bob C. has provided us a good starting-point. Of course I agree, a proper port of Marlin would be a bottom-up re-write, and we'll end up doing that through a morphing process in a separate branch. But even the current code-base could gain a nice configuration system in the style of Smoothie or RepRapFW that takes advantage of the additional SRAM as a simple feature-addition. We've only resisted that approach so far out of deference to the mission to keep Marlin tiny so it can run on the most modest and inexpensive AVRs. Of course, having a live configuration system that can enable any feature means that *all* features must be compiled in, and that makes for an even larger project where a true re-write would be needed. Still, core portions of Marlin can be retained in both projects by converting them to libraries. There have been efforts to make web-based configuration systems for Marlin, and some are pretty good. None are quite 100% complete. Inevitably some tweaking of configuration files is necessary. For Marlin 1.1.x we've aimed to simplify as much as possible.

Meanwhile, can someone remind me whether RepRapFirmware or Smoothieware support Dual X Carriages, switching extruders, mixing extruders, BL-Touch probe, and so on…? In other words, are they being kept up to date with the ever-evolving RepRap world?

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 03/16/2017 11:53PM by Thinkyhead.

| Lead Developer of Marlin Firmware
| Help support my work at Patreon and Elsewhere.
Re: Re-ARM for RAMPS, simple 32-bit upgrade
March 17, 2017 04:35AM
Meanwhile, can someone remind me whether RepRapFirmware or Smoothieware support Dual X Carriages, switching extruders, mixing extruders, BL-Touch probe, and so on…? In other words, are they being kept up to date with the ever-evolving RepRap world?

RepRapFirmware supports all of those. I believe it was the first firmware to support mixing extruders, before Repetier did according to github commits. Dual X-carriage (actually quad X-carriage) support was added last Autumn.

Large delta printer [miscsolutions.wordpress.com], E3D tool changer, Robotdigg SCARA printer, Crane Quad and Ormerod

Disclosure: I design Duet electronics and work on RepRapFirmware, [duet3d.com].
Re: Re-ARM for RAMPS, simple 32-bit upgrade
March 27, 2017 10:49AM
Meanwhile, can someone remind me whether RepRapFirmware or Smoothieware support Dual X Carriages, switching extruders, mixing extruders, BL-Touch probe, and so on…? In other words, are they being kept up to date with the ever-evolving RepRap world?

Hi Thinkyhead,

Smoothieware doesn't support Dual-X (IDEX) yet.

Google Groups › Smoothieware Support › Dual Independent Extruders

Genie - designer of bitfab::Hexagon Heatedbed in purple. PM me if you wish to get original one of the best quality.
Re: Re-ARM for RAMPS, simple 32-bit upgrade
March 27, 2017 11:08AM
So, I just got my board about two weeks ago and I having a world of trouble and its three fold. The company has yet to respond to my emails and I am so lost with what I am doing.

Firstly, i have installed the drivers needed to connect the board to the computer however it will not show the SD plugged into in when connected to the computer. It only shows its on a comp port as smoothieboard.

My second problem is I am not sure I am updating the firmaware right. I have the firmware file on the SD card and the config loaded with all my printer settings as per Panucatt and Smoothieware's website. In addition to that cannot get the Re-Arm to connect to cure for printing. By that I mean it will keeps telling me it cannot connect to the port my printer is in.

My third is my LCD isn't showing anything on it other than a blue screen (the background). I followed the LCD instructions on the Panucatt's website and i have the exact same LCD they are using. Its the RepRap discount one. After I updated the config file with the LCD code it still hasn't shown anything. The LCD worked before when I was using the arguing and ramps combo.

Thanks in advance for you help.
Re: Re-ARM for RAMPS, simple 32-bit upgrade
March 27, 2017 11:14AM
So, I just got my board about two weeks ago and I having a world of trouble and its three fold. The company has yet to respond to my emails and I am so lost with what I am doing.

Firstly, i have installed the drivers needed to connect the board to the computer however it will not show the SD plugged into in when connected to the computer. It only shows its on a comp port as smoothieboard.

My second problem is I am not sure I am updating the firmaware right. I have the firmware file on the SD card and the config loaded with all my printer settings as per Panucatt and Smoothieware's website. In addition to that cannot get the Re-Arm to connect to cure for printing. By that I mean it will keeps telling me it cannot connect to the port my printer is in.

My third is my LCD isn't showing anything on it other than a blue screen (the background). I followed the LCD instructions on the Panucatt's website and i have the exact same LCD they are using. Its the RepRap discount one. After I updated the config file with the LCD code it still hasn't shown anything. The LCD worked before when I was using the arguing and ramps combo.

Thanks in advance for you help.

You might have a faulty SD card, I recommend you find a new microSD card, and try following the instructions at : [smoothieware.org]
Re: Re-ARM for RAMPS, simple 32-bit upgrade
March 27, 2017 11:23AM
You might have a faulty SD card, I recommend you find a new microSD card, and try following the instructions at : [smoothieware.org][/quote]

Thanks I'll try that and let you know what happened. Any other suggestions about the issues?
Re: Re-ARM for RAMPS, simple 32-bit upgrade
March 29, 2017 02:42PM
So, I checked the SD card an you were right. I have since replaced the card but now when I try to home the axis they all don't move at the same time. In fact it starts with the x axis and it goes in the oppsite direction.
Re: Re-ARM for RAMPS, simple 32-bit upgrade
May 13, 2017 09:34AM
I've been donated a Re-ARM for the purpose of porting Marlin (as part of the effort to support 32-bit boards, generally). Bob C. has provided us a good starting-point. Of course I agree, a proper port of Marlin would be a bottom-up re-write, and we'll end up doing that through a morphing process in a separate branch.

didn't ST do a port to the STM32F4 already, for their board which uses all ST parts (including stepper drivers) as a Reference Design? here's the link to the eval board: [www.st.com]

following the links they have the software here: [www.st.com]

which requires a login to access... which i have... so here's a copy of the source: [hands.com]

aaaand it's a GPL violation, aargh. the GPL license has been REMOVED from that tarball (i.e. is NOT present) which is itself a violation of the terms and conditions of the GPL license.

*sigh* _apart_ from that the port appears to have already been successfully done, so may be of value to see what techniques / modifications that they made.
didn't ST do a port to the STM32F4 already…
May 24, 2017 04:04PM
Sorry to hear about the ST GPL violation. It's possible they hired a contractor who pulled that nonsense. Anyway, I'll give them a heads-up about the issue if it seems warranted.

Anyway, we're about to do a re-organization of the code into a hierarchical file structure and do a new release (as 1.2.0) so we can focus on the HAL and refactoring generally. We have a branch with 32-bit support bolted into the current codebase, and it works, but will need more work to generalize for more chips. The MK4Duo branch and a couple of others are still being maintained also, so we'll be using those for reference as well.

| Lead Developer of Marlin Firmware
| Help support my work at Patreon and Elsewhere.
ST license violation
May 24, 2017 04:17PM
Nope. No (serious) GPL violation by ST to see here. They're using Marlin 1.0.0 which did not have the GPLv3 preamble all over it. The only oversight is they left out the LICENSE file. But, they are making a good faith effort to include the source, so there's nothing actionable here.

| Lead Developer of Marlin Firmware
| Help support my work at Patreon and Elsewhere.
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