Problema endstops November 11, 2014 08:13PM |
Registered: 10 years ago Posts: 101 |
//=========================================================================== //=============================Mechanical Settings=========================== //=========================================================================== // Uncomment the following line to enable CoreXY kinematics // #define COREXY // coarse Endstop Settings //#define ENDSTOPPULLUPS // Comment this out (using // at the start of the line) to disable the endstop pullup resistors #ifndef ENDSTOPPULLUPS // fine endstop settings: Individual pullups. will be ignored if ENDSTOPPULLUPS is defined #define ENDSTOPPULLUP_XMAX #define ENDSTOPPULLUP_YMAX #define ENDSTOPPULLUP_ZMAX #define ENDSTOPPULLUP_XMIN #define ENDSTOPPULLUP_YMIN #define ENDSTOPPULLUP_ZMIN #endif #ifdef ENDSTOPPULLUPS #define ENDSTOPPULLUP_XMAX #define ENDSTOPPULLUP_YMAX #define ENDSTOPPULLUP_ZMAX #define ENDSTOPPULLUP_XMIN #define ENDSTOPPULLUP_YMIN #define ENDSTOPPULLUP_ZMIN #endif // The pullups are needed if you directly connect a mechanical endswitch between the signal and ground pins. const bool X_MIN_ENDSTOP_INVERTING = false; // set to true to invert the logic of the endstop. const bool Y_MIN_ENDSTOP_INVERTING = false; // set to true to invert the logic of the endstop. const bool Z_MIN_ENDSTOP_INVERTING = false; // set to true to invert the logic of the endstop. const bool X_MAX_ENDSTOP_INVERTING = true; // set to true to invert the logic of the endstop. const bool Y_MAX_ENDSTOP_INVERTING = true; // set to true to invert the logic of the endstop. const bool Z_MAX_ENDSTOP_INVERTING = true; // set to true to invert the logic of the endstop. //#define DISABLE_MAX_ENDSTOPS //#define DISABLE_MIN_ENDSTOPS // Disable max endstops for compatibility with endstop checking routine #if defined(COREXY) && !defined(DISABLE_MAX_ENDSTOPS) #define DISABLE_MAX_ENDSTOPS #endif // For Inverting Stepper Enable Pins (Active Low) use 0, Non Inverting (Active High) use 1 #define X_ENABLE_ON 0 #define Y_ENABLE_ON 0 #define Z_ENABLE_ON 0 #define E_ENABLE_ON 0 // For all extruders // Disables axis when it's not being used. #define DISABLE_X false #define DISABLE_Y false #define DISABLE_Z false #define DISABLE_E false // For all extruders #define DISABLE_INACTIVE_EXTRUDER true //disable only inactive extruders and keep active extruder enabled #define INVERT_X_DIR false // for Mendel set to false, for Orca set to true #define INVERT_Y_DIR false // for Mendel set to true, for Orca set to false #define INVERT_Z_DIR true // for Mendel set to false, for Orca set to true #define INVERT_E0_DIR false // for direct drive extruder v9 set to true, for geared extruder set to false #define INVERT_E1_DIR false // for direct drive extruder v9 set to true, for geared extruder set to false #define INVERT_E2_DIR false // for direct drive extruder v9 set to true, for geared extruder set to false // ENDSTOP SETTINGS: // Sets direction of endstops when homing; 1=MAX, -1=MIN #define X_HOME_DIR -1 #define Y_HOME_DIR -1 #define Z_HOME_DIR -1 #define min_software_endstops true // If true, axis won't move to coordinates less than HOME_POS. #define max_software_endstops true // If true, axis won't move to coordinates greater than the defined lengths below. // Travel limits after homing #define X_MAX_POS 205 #define X_MIN_POS 0 #define Y_MAX_POS 205 #define Y_MIN_POS 0 #define Z_MAX_POS 200 #define Z_MIN_POS 0 #define X_MAX_LENGTH (X_MAX_POS - X_MIN_POS) #define Y_MAX_LENGTH (Y_MAX_POS - Y_MIN_POS) #define Z_MAX_LENGTH (Z_MAX_POS - Z_MIN_POS)
Re: Problema endstops November 12, 2014 02:26AM |
Registered: 10 years ago Posts: 6,409 |
#define INVERT_Y_DIR true
Re: Problema endstops November 12, 2014 03:22AM |
Registered: 10 years ago Posts: 101 |
Allora è vero che sono normalmente chiusi, ma è proprio la logica del sistema che controlla la pressione del pulsante (endstop).
Se il circuito è chiuso significa che il pulsante non è premuto e quindi l'endstop in quanto tale è aperto, si e vero la parola può confondere, ma tranquillo va bene cosi.
Ora se facendo la home y va nel senso opposto allo switch devi invertire il senso di rotazione del motore mettendo :
#define INVERT_Y_DIR true
in più disabilita gli end stop max
Domandina dove è posizionato l'endstop di Y?
Re: Problema endstops November 12, 2014 03:59AM |
Registered: 10 years ago Posts: 3,268 |
Re: Problema endstops November 12, 2014 04:04AM |
Registered: 10 years ago Posts: 101 |
hai fatto la stessa cosa che ho fatto io, hai messo il motore y dietro, ma nel progetto della rework è messo davanti!
o cambi posizione al motore rimettendolo davanti, o metti l'endstop di y su max invece che su min.
Re: Problema endstops November 12, 2014 04:49AM |
Registered: 10 years ago Posts: 6,409 |
Re: Problema endstops November 12, 2014 05:38AM |
Registered: 10 years ago Posts: 3,268 |
Re: Problema endstops November 12, 2014 05:40AM |
Registered: 10 years ago Posts: 101 |
Ma no che problema c'è mettere il motore dietro e l'endstop dietro...
Basta invertire il senso di rotazione e il gioco è fatto tranquillo....
L'importante è la posizione dell'endstop, se è dietro è un min endstop (parlo dell'asse Y). quindi va tutti bene cosi come ce l'hai...
Se hai lo stesso problema anche per l'asse X, motore a sinistra e end stop a sinistra, l'endstop è un min endstop e basta invertire il senso di rotazione...
Se poi non vi piace invertire nel firmware basta che invertite il connettore sulla scheda che è la stessa cosa.....
Re: Problema endstops November 12, 2014 05:52AM |
Registered: 10 years ago Posts: 6,409 |
#define X_HOME_DIR -1
Re: Problema endstops November 12, 2014 06:10AM |
Registered: 10 years ago Posts: 101 |
Che sia all'opposto del motore non vuol dire nulla... La X negli assi Cartesiani va da sinistra verso destra quindi il punto zero è a sinistra. Ora se il motore ce l'hai a destra e l'endstop a sinistra è un min, altrimenti è un max.
La Z è sotto quindi min...
Attenzione se lo metti come max, non devi disattivare i max endsotp come ti ho detto prima e devi invertire il valore:
#define X_HOME_DIR -1
perché la home la deve fare sul max...
Re: Problema endstops November 13, 2014 05:31PM |
Registered: 10 years ago Posts: 101 |
//=========================================================================== //=============================Mechanical Settings=========================== //=========================================================================== // Uncomment the following line to enable CoreXY kinematics // #define COREXY // coarse Endstop Settings //#define ENDSTOPPULLUPS // Comment this out (using // at the start of the line) to disable the endstop pullup resistors #ifndef ENDSTOPPULLUPS // fine endstop settings: Individual pullups. will be ignored if ENDSTOPPULLUPS is defined #define ENDSTOPPULLUP_XMAX #define ENDSTOPPULLUP_YMAX #define ENDSTOPPULLUP_ZMAX #define ENDSTOPPULLUP_XMIN #define ENDSTOPPULLUP_YMIN #define ENDSTOPPULLUP_ZMIN #endif #ifdef ENDSTOPPULLUPS #define ENDSTOPPULLUP_XMAX #define ENDSTOPPULLUP_YMAX #define ENDSTOPPULLUP_ZMAX #define ENDSTOPPULLUP_XMIN #define ENDSTOPPULLUP_YMIN #define ENDSTOPPULLUP_ZMIN #endif // The pullups are needed if you directly connect a mechanical endswitch between the signal and ground pins. const bool X_MIN_ENDSTOP_INVERTING = true; // set to true to invert the logic of the endstop. const bool Y_MIN_ENDSTOP_INVERTING = false; // set to true to invert the logic of the endstop. const bool Z_MIN_ENDSTOP_INVERTING = false; // set to true to invert the logic of the endstop. const bool X_MAX_ENDSTOP_INVERTING = false; // set to true to invert the logic of the endstop. const bool Y_MAX_ENDSTOP_INVERTING = true; // set to true to invert the logic of the endstop. const bool Z_MAX_ENDSTOP_INVERTING = true; // set to true to invert the logic of the endstop. //#define DISABLE_MAX_ENDSTOPS //#define DISABLE_MIN_ENDSTOPS // Disable max endstops for compatibility with endstop checking routine #if defined(COREXY) && !defined(DISABLE_MAX_ENDSTOPS) #define DISABLE_MAX_ENDSTOPS #endif // For Inverting Stepper Enable Pins (Active Low) use 0, Non Inverting (Active High) use 1 #define X_ENABLE_ON 0 #define Y_ENABLE_ON 0 #define Z_ENABLE_ON 0 #define E_ENABLE_ON 0 // For all extruders // Disables axis when it's not being used. #define DISABLE_X false #define DISABLE_Y false #define DISABLE_Z false #define DISABLE_E false // For all extruders #define DISABLE_INACTIVE_EXTRUDER true //disable only inactive extruders and keep active extruder enabled #define INVERT_X_DIR false // for Mendel set to false, for Orca set to true #define INVERT_Y_DIR true // for Mendel set to true, for Orca set to false #define INVERT_Z_DIR false // for Mendel set to false, for Orca set to true #define INVERT_E0_DIR false // for direct drive extruder v9 set to true, for geared extruder set to false #define INVERT_E1_DIR false // for direct drive extruder v9 set to true, for geared extruder set to false #define INVERT_E2_DIR false // for direct drive extruder v9 set to true, for geared extruder set to false // ENDSTOP SETTINGS: // Sets direction of endstops when homing; 1=MAX, -1=MIN #define X_HOME_DIR 1 #define Y_HOME_DIR -1 #define Z_HOME_DIR -1 #define min_software_endstops true // If true, axis won't move to coordinates less than HOME_POS. #define max_software_endstops true // If true, axis won't move to coordinates greater than the defined lengths below. // Travel limits after homing #define X_MAX_POS 205 #define X_MIN_POS 0 #define Y_MAX_POS 205 #define Y_MIN_POS 0 #define Z_MAX_POS 200 #define Z_MIN_POS 0 #define X_MAX_LENGTH (X_MAX_POS - X_MIN_POS) #define Y_MAX_LENGTH (Y_MAX_POS - Y_MIN_POS) #define Z_MAX_LENGTH (Z_MAX_POS - Z_MIN_POS)