[Endstop issues] while upgrading Replicator 2 motherboard to RepRap Duet 0.8.5
December 14, 2015 03:31PM
So short background info is this:

- I'm upgrading the motherboard of a Makerbot Replicator 2 to a RepRap Duet v0.8.5
- I can control the printer's XYZ axes using Pronterface just fine
- I had the web interface working one day (on Chrome) but I think because I'm on my work's network it assigns your laptop a new IP address when you reconnect to it so I've been having trouble reconnecting to the web interface the next day.
- Firmware is the latest as of 12/14/2015

Problem I'm having: ENDSTOPS

I try to home the my axes using the pronterface, but either the physical wiring, or the Gcode must be wrong because it seems like my endstop configuration is backwards of what it should be. In my config.g file, when I have my endstops programmed to being "M574 X2 Y2 Z1 S0", but the printer's reaction to limit switches is opposite of what it needs to be. What do I mean by backwards? If you press the Y home button, the Y axis doesn't move, but the printer will set its current Y position to being 150 (the back of the printer where the limit switch is). If you hold down the limit switch with your finger, and then press the home Y button, the Y axis will move until you remove your finger off the limit switch. This is what I mean by backwards. It seems like the printer thinks the limitswitch's Open/Closed wirings are backwards, but I'm not sure how to fix this.

When I change my M574 to X2 Y2 Z1 S1 (instead of S0), the printer will keep going, hits the limit switch and continues to try and move, ignoring the limit switch entirely.

On the Duet itself, the limit switch LEDs come on when I depress my limit switch. I believe this is the opposite of what needs to be happening. I'm pretty sure the limit switch LEDs should all be on, and then turn off whenever I trigger them, but I have not successfully reversed this problem.

I have attached my current config.g file for information on how I've tried to configure the limit switches.
I have also attached my homey.g file as it is the axis I am currently working on getting to home. As soon as I can get Y to home properly I can get X and Z to follow since they're exactly similar. I've commented out a lot of the file, since I'm trying to work backwards and troubleshoot.

Tl;DR: How do I reverse my limit switch configuration so that hitting it (like normal) properly stops the printer from moving while homing. Right now, the limit switches behave opposite of how they should - by this I mean if you hold down the limit switch with your finger, the printer can start to home, and when you remove your finger from the switch, the printer will think it has "hit it".

open | download - config.g (2.6 KB)
open | download - homey.g (1.1 KB)
Re: [Endstop issues] while upgrading Replicator 2 motherboard to RepRap Duet 0.8.5
December 14, 2015 04:01PM
Which firmware variant are you using? Run M115 or look in the Settings page of the web interface to find out. If you are running the official version from the RepRapPro repository, then it may not handle M574 correctly, and I suggest you use my 1.09m-dc42 version instead. You can find it by following this link [github.com] and then pressing the Raw button.

If the LEDs are off until you press the limit switch, then your switches are configured as normally-open, and you need S0 at the end of M574. That's OK, but normally-closed switches are more immune to interference. So if your limit switches have normally closed contacts as well, use them instead. They are normally the two outside contacts of the three on the switch. You need S1 at the end of M574 when using normally-closed switches.

Test that your switches are configured correctly using M119.

Large delta printer [miscsolutions.wordpress.com], E3D tool changer, Robotdigg SCARA printer, Crane Quad and Ormerod

Disclosure: I design Duet electronics and work on RepRapFirmware, [duet3d.com].
Re: [Endstop issues] while upgrading Replicator 2 motherboard to RepRap Duet 0.8.5
December 15, 2015 10:57AM
My M115 reports "RepRapFirmware FIRMWARE_VERSION:1.09 ELECTRONICSgrinning smileyuet (+ Extension) DATE:2015-04-21" so it looks to be the 1.09 version you were talking about, unless I need to get a more specific sub-version of 1.09 (the -dc42 version)

M119 returns "Endstops - X: at min stop, Y: at max stop, Z: at min stop" and I'm not really sure how to interpret that.

Setting my M574 to S0 keeps giving me that reverse response from what I want - where homing Y will just set its current position to max without moving; if I hold the endstop with my finger it will start to travel home until I remove my finger from the endstop to where it thinks it "homed".
Re: [Endstop issues] while upgrading Replicator 2 motherboard to RepRap Duet 0.8.5
December 15, 2015 12:56PM
Looks like you are using the original RepRapPro version of the firmware, which AFAIK still doesn't support M574 properly if at all, and doesn't support CoreXY machines at all. Try my fork instead.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/15/2015 12:57PM by dc42.

Large delta printer [miscsolutions.wordpress.com], E3D tool changer, Robotdigg SCARA printer, Crane Quad and Ormerod

Disclosure: I design Duet electronics and work on RepRapFirmware, [duet3d.com].
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