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I question about hot ends and filament size....

Posted by [email protected] 
I question about hot ends and filament size....
February 08, 2013 10:11PM
I bought a kit, built it, and while it does print, occasionally it jams up, and I have to pull out the old filament.. When I pull it out, it just so happens, there's a wider part at the bottom. 3mm think. I ordered a 1.75mm hot end, and this wider part, to me, suggests they sent me a 3mm hot end. is this going to cause me problems or hurt the quality of my prints (I'm using 1.75mm filament...)
Re: I question about hot ends and filament size....
February 09, 2013 05:39AM
If it is a 3mm hot end it will take more force than it should to feed 1.75mm filament because you get a lot of back flow creating a large plug that has to be slid down the tube.

The melt chamber will be a much bigger volume than it could be so that won't help print quality.

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