Hello Reprappers
I have no mechanical engineering or electronics background so obviously I thought buying a LC Mendell kit was a good idea!!
Needless to say I have encountered a few snags. I have assembled the majority of the frame and with motors but a bit like an IKEA bed there are a few left over bits. There are also a few discrepancies with the build as some of the components aren't part of the package I have purchased (through RepRapcentral) but there are some peculiar stowaways that that are probably newer mods.
So after the preamble my question is: where can I find a working Mendell to get a look and some Phots of to square away some of the fiddlier bits. I find it hard to work off the Wiki pages and respond better to face to face interaction and hands on learning.
Im near Bedford but have family connections in Portsmouth and Nottingham but will travel to see one if it means I can get on.
Any help would be well appreciated and may get this thing showing a few interested people watching it work as opposed to just wondering what it is.
Cheers everyone.