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Posted by Joe.McKibben 
December 06, 2007 07:27PM

I just joined this forum and I hope to start building a RepStrap here soon. It will probably take a little while for me because of costs and things but sounds fun and hope I to be able to contribute to the community in some way.

Joe McKibben
Re: Hello
December 07, 2007 01:27AM
Welcom! Don't be shy, jump in and make stupid suggestions! I did...no on has complained yet.

Re: Hello
December 07, 2007 10:53AM
welcome joe. you joined at a great time. i'm getting ready to fully document my RepStrap setup which is something that anyone can build with a minimum amount of effort.

soon we will be taking over the world!
Re: Hello
December 07, 2007 11:29AM

Where will your documentation differ from the actual documentation on the web-site?

Is your documentation going to be open-source ? :-))

Re: Hello
December 07, 2007 12:15PM

Absolutely... everything I do w/ reprap is 100% open source.

Here's a quick overview of what we have going on:

*RepRap v1.0 "Darwin" - this is the rod based structure you see all over. its made from RP parts and such
*RepStrap v1.0 "Seedling" - this is the repstrap system based on the McWire cartesian bot and is still in its experimental stages, although i will be thoroughly documenting it in the coming month.

*Generation 1 - these are the electronics that the current Darwin design uses. based on the PIC16F648 chip. these have working firmware, but also some pretty annoying drawbacks
*Generation 2 - these are the experimental electronics based on the Arduino. this is what i'm using with my "Seedling" design.

Technically you could use either set of electronics to drive either cartesian bot. They are interchangeable, as both cartesian bot systems have the same electronic interfaces (3 steppers, 6 limit switches, etc.)
Re: Hello
December 08, 2007 10:56AM
Hello everyone,

I have been lurking on these forums for a while an have decided to commit to the project.

I have ordered the moulded parts and the PCB's and I am looking foward to recieving them.

I have just cut down and drilled the mdf board and bought out all the 8mm bar from B and Q.

Just waiting for the bits - hopefully in time for the Christmas holidays

Re: Hello
December 09, 2007 02:09PM

That's awsome. Good luck!

Re: Hello
December 12, 2007 04:14AM
I recently found this site and I'm thinking of taking a stab at building one myself. I'm having a little trouble figuring out how to get the printed part. I really don't want to fork out $1000+ for them. Are people able to produce these on Reprap yet? Or is the only option to use conventional machining (meaning I have to pay someone)? I think I would attempt the wood parts that someone posted.

The rest of the costs don't concern me much. I don't have a drill press (or any wood working tools) so I'm worried about the cost of tools. I have a handheld drill, will this work in place of a drill press? Do I need any other expensive tools for the woodworking if I go that route?

Joe, where are you at. If we live near each other, maybe we could help each other by sharing tools and parts. I live in Michigan.
Re: Hello
December 12, 2007 06:34AM
I live in Dayton, OH. Not really close.

Joe McKibben
Re: Hello
December 12, 2007 11:52AM
Please look at www.bitsfrombytes.com we can supply moulded version of the printed parts

Re: Hello
December 12, 2007 04:17PM
Yeah, I found bitsfrombytes a little while after I posted. Looks good. I'm probably not going to start ordering things until the new year.
Re: Hello
December 12, 2007 05:09PM
To see some builders that are in your area check out the RepRap map on google.


Joe McKibben
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