Have a lot of experience with building and programming cnc machines in Mach3.
And also used Marlin successfully in the past. Now having problems that simply looks like a beginners mistake ( feel a shamed about that ! )
After changing some pulley’s i uploaded new Marlin firmware to the MEGA controller of a 3D printer that worked fine for several years.
Not having saved the original config file of several years ago I edited a new Configuration.h file.
The 3D printer is mechanical almost same setup as a Ultimaker 1.
So it has the X and Y - axis switches in the left front corner and the Z-axis switch at the top on the back .
Some of the important settings …
//#define USE_XMAX_PLUG
//#define USE_YMAX_PLUG
//#define USE_ZMAX_PLUG
// Direction of endstops when homing; 1=MAX, -1=MIN
// :[-1,1]. ( can’t change the value X_HOME_DIR from -1 to 1gives an error code, because that is only possible USE_XMIN_PLUG etc )
#define X_HOME_DIR -1
#define Y_HOME_DIR -1
#define Z_HOME_DIR -1
// @section machine
// The size of the print bed
#define X_BED_SIZE 200
#define Y_BED_SIZE 200
// Travel limits (mm) after homing, corresponding to endstop positions.
#define X_MIN_POS 0
#define Y_MIN_POS 0
#define Z_MIN_POS 0
#define Z_MAX_POS 200
Have not made any changes on the Configuration_adv.h file
I have now a strange effect. ( both in 1.1.8 and 2 )
During Homeing the head moves correctly in direction to the switches ( X moves to the Left en the Y to the front ).
After the homing is finished the display shows both for X and Y that the coordinates are 0 .
When I now move the axis in the menu ( move axis) they don’t want to move to the right (X) and to the Back (Y) instead the controller thinks that the + direction is to the Left (X) and to the front of the machine (Y) so both in direction of the switch and crashing against the side of the machine.
( can’t change the value X_HOME_DIR from -1 to 1gives an error code)
It just doesn’t make sense that the + direction of the axis is in the same direction of the movement of the axis during homeing…
What am I doing wrong ? ( it must be something very stupid !, so i apologise now before getting an answer for my stupidity … )