Problem with OpenSCAD manifold of simple design
August 14, 2013 10:12AM
I am new to OpenSCAD, but have been enjoying it the last few days. The issue I am having is that i was making a structure like a house, and was putting two peaks for a pitched roof on it. The peak that is oriented by the axis, is fine, but if I put the peak on the far edge of the house, it shows up as not being simple and therefore can't be exported. I think I am missing something fundamental, but can't figure how what.

Here is a code snippet:
bldg_X = 1500;
bldg_Y = 800; 
bldg_height = 400;
bldg_thickness = 0.01;
roof_thickness = 0.01;
roof_pitch = 150; 

//box building
linear_extrude(height = bldg_height, center = false, convexity = 10, twist = 0)

//good working peak
polygon(points=[[bldg_height,roof_thickness],[bldg_height+roof_pitch-roof_thickness,(bldg_Y-2)/2],[bldg_height,bldg_Y-roof_thickness]],paths=[ [0,1,2] ]);

//bad peak
translate ([bldg_X-bldg_thickness,0,0])
polygon(points=[[bldg_height-1,roof_thickness],[bldg_height+roof_pitch-roof_thickness,(bldg_Y-2)/2],[bldg_height-1,bldg_Y-roof_thickness]],paths=[ [0,1,2]]);

Re: Problem with OpenSCAD manifold of simple design
August 15, 2013 04:36AM
This is almost always caused by coincident faces.
When combining two objects they must overlap!
When subtracting a cylinder to make a hole the cylinder must be longer than needed so that the faces are NOT coincident.

Bob Morrison
Wörth am Rhein, Germany
"Luke, use the source!"
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