@MechaBits: That design is very impressive! It looks similar to this one... [0x7d.com] The thing with their setup is that they do not fully exploit the advantages of a belt and therefor they still had to add a hobbed bolt to the system to make it work. Actually now I look at the system more closely there is no way to tension the belts at all and the pulleys are positioned in a way that the beltby Vaeder - General
In my collabortation with reprapworld we decided to go for gears instead of another belt to save costs. It's not ideal, but I spend a lot of time optimizing the gears to a point where they produce no noticable sound. Even on a printer with stepper drivers of 1/128 steps (which make a lot of difference in sound, never heard such a quiet printer) the printer makes more noise than the gears on the vby Vaeder - General
Someone else on another forum already pointed that out to me. Here is the link: [0x7d.com] The only thing with their setup is that they do not fully exploit the advantages of a belt and therefor they still had to add a hobbed bolt to the system to make it work. Actually now I look at the system more closely there is no way to tension the belts at all and the pulleys are positioned in a way thatby Vaeder - General
Hi, Something I wanted to share and that possibly will make fdm printing compete with sls and even sla printing To start of I invented a new type of cold end, it does not use a hobbed bolt but a belt. So there will never be any grinding of the filament anymore and way less jamming of the nozzle. I hope it will inspire a whole new type of extruders, called "v-struders" One of my first customers,by Vaeder - General