what do you think about this board? price is decent and we can add a full wiki so it fully complet board and i have no read something here about it do you know or hear something about it? i know it s no open source but it s not a reason to say it s "bad" if there are dev behind it official page for firmwareby titeuf007 - Delta Machines
thanks lvd for you hard working it will be great to have a youtube video to show us how to tune correctly a delta with this new featureby titeuf007 - Delta Machines
i don t understand this two point.. B = radius for calibration points * S = segments per second it will be great to have a video to show us how to tune a delta radius with this new command addedby titeuf007 - Delta Machines
great mine is not again well calibrating i try to understand how to use m666 to have accurate endstop offsetby titeuf007 - Delta Machines
i love the carriage adaptator do you know where it is available?by titeuf007 - Delta Machines
i have buy simplify 3d does it good too?by titeuf007 - Delta Machines
i will try soon my smoothieboard clone but i would like before to use my delta anycubic like it is. thanks for you reply it s very nice!! i search more documentation about how to use m666by titeuf007 - Delta Machines
QuoteDjDemonD The issue with later marlin firmwares like rc8 is that they have only very few parameters to calibrate a delta with. This will sound crazy but you'll do better with Rich Cattels marlin from 3 years ago either master or testing branch. You can use dc42's calculator to set a full range of m665 and m666 parameters. Otherwise try repetier firmware, or smoothieware or RepRapFirmware whby titeuf007 - Delta Machines
Quotedc42 The initial endstop corrections are the initial values you used in M666 and saved to EEPROM using M500. So all zero if you haven't calibrated your printer yet. Setting tower angle corrections is not easy in regular Marlin. Thanks dc42 Do you know where we can find a example to show us how to do that? Where is the tower angle parameters on merlin?and what is it exactly ?does it sometby titeuf007 - Delta Machines
i agree with sid but you need to read a lot before to build you own delta if you speak english is not a problem because everything is in english..calibration procedure is a real pain for meby titeuf007 - Delta Machines
nobody could help me? i run latest marlin firmware rc8. how can i set correctly my bed leveling? i have seen this great tool from dc42(i think ) but i don t know what i need to do with some items like this "Initial tower angular position corrections:" and " Initial endstop corrections"by titeuf007 - Delta Machines
i need you help i ve tried to calibrate my delta anycubic kossel and i can t arrive to set it correctly a so if i understand i need first: - calibrate Z home position(no probleme here..) -after each 3 corners like i can see on my manual(no probleme here but i have seen that we can use m666 instead screw or unscrew ...what is better?) -but after that....my center is not leveling..i have concave bby titeuf007 - Delta Machines
thanks dc42 i just to read you new add on great blog i really love itby titeuf007 - Delta Machines
what do we need if we want 400mm circular printe size instead 300? i am thinking b slot (or i slot form motedis i don t remember) wasn t compatible with robodig vertice? so far you tutto is great!!!by titeuf007 - Delta Machines
for the price it has everything you search without brainstorming you have great build design,large print surface,smoothieboard,etc etcby titeuf007 - Delta Machines
you should buy this model.. a long review has been made check youtubeby titeuf007 - Delta Machines
so riggi what did you order?by titeuf007 - Delta Machines
i really don t like flying extruder it break the great look of delta printersby titeuf007 - Delta Machines
do you have link for good clone?by titeuf007 - General
thanks for you reply it s very instructiveby titeuf007 - Delta Machines
yes to see the difference of accuracy between ir sensor vs new oneby titeuf007 - Delta Machines
thanks for you file it s very nice could you share you marlin software (to know how you tune you ir sensor) thanks a lot(you should post some prints it will be nice)by titeuf007 - Delta Machines
love you review do you have 3d print to see the quality and the accuracyby titeuf007 - Delta Machines
cool tous ça au faite personne a une idéé sur l utilité de mettre un disjoncteur entre le ssrby titeuf007 - RepRap Groupe d'Utilisateurs Francophone
QuoteDjDemonD This will explain most of it But in a nutshell, with a delta especially unless its mechanically perfect the effector will tilt.This means any offset sensor no matter how sensitive and DC's sensor is sensitive, will give height errors as the effector tilts. Using the nozzle as the probe is optimum for a lot of reasons, thats where you print from, there are no offsets, the surface cby titeuf007 - Delta Machines
QuoteRiggi You do realise as well that that TW-04-12-LLZ is 10,52 EUR for only one carriage right? The price for a TW-04-12 with a rail of 600 mm (same length as the Robotdigg ones) is 28,51 EUR. For 3 of those rails with carriage it would be 85,53 EUR already, which is actually more expensive than the Robotdigg ones and with less certainty how they will perform because not a lot of people use thby titeuf007 - Delta Machines
Quotesiddharta The AnyCubic printers with their TriGorilla board use Marlin firmware and work perfectly with Simplify3D. I haven't tried any Z probes (autolevel sensors) with the TriGorilla board, only with the Duet, but both hardware and firmware support Z probe and either probe you linked to would work. Having tried different probe models (inductive, capacitive, mechanical and IR) the one I havby titeuf007 - Delta Machines
yes it fit i have checked it s not for nothing if i had them on my list! for carriage it s compatible with 20*15mm that you can find on aliexpress the size is identical with robodig or hiwinby titeuf007 - Delta Machines
why you will stay with linear robotdigg if you can buy better from igus it will be better build quality,with no duty taxes and fast delivering ..and less expansive!! TW-04-12-LLZ cost 10,5e for one unitby titeuf007 - Delta Machines
Quotesv650s J'avais demandé (en anglais c'est plus facile de communiquer avec eux) "Hello, could give me the price with shipping costs for a silicone heating bed with this specifications : - Silicone heating bed in 220V - square 29cm x 29cm - with thermistance in middle - with 1m of wires - with 3M scotch Best regards" Tu peux essayer auprès d'autres vendeurs si il ne te répond pas je rajouteby titeuf007 - RepRap Groupe d'Utilisateurs Francophone