hi vacuum environment challenge is demanding high voltage Electron beam generation is demanding EBM diagram tanby tan - Powder Printing and Selective Laser Sintering
hi I would be interested In rp parts or all mechanical parts contact me on private messages above Tan denmark No problem paying 250 - 300 euros for rp parts. I have electronics now and I am about to order 4 nema 17 dual spindel motors ( so I can fit magnetic rotation encoder feedback, I was bbc engineer so should be able to get it up and running quick if you want a set of parts back. yoursby tan - For Sale
To send a private message click on blue name select send PM enter message and send yours Tanby tan - For Sale
hi got 2 sets of gen 3 electronics, have you got printed a full set mendel rp parts? Have money will travel! kind regards Tan contact me on private message I am in denmarkby tan - For Sale
not me kind regards Tan Denmarkby tan - Plastic RepRap Parts for Sale
hi good luck with the new designs kind regards Tanby tan - For Sale
hi Did not win auction are you going to print some more I would be intersted? kind willing to wait mendel seeker yours Tan Denmarkby tan - For Sale
Hi good idea if you need any help I have time. I have sent off for quotes for mendel plastic parts to several Chinese plastic prototyping firms, I hope for some under 500 dollar a set results. has any one else got quotes? yours tanby tan - Denmark RepRap User Group
anton I have to find out how many layer each board is; if there all the same it might be economic, Shall we meet up and find out if its an advantage to pool effort and build mendel parts together on repstrap machine plus possible electronis boards. The way its looking buying mendels printed parts (or buying other peoples home printed parts could end up being 500-1500) dollars a set. Kind regaby tan - Denmark RepRap User Group
hi I have added a bid can you make one more? Once I am up and running I promise to make one set in the first 4 weeks and a second set there after for others. yours Tansen Denmark "Mendel on my mind"by tan - For Sale
hi I could see if we could get a smaller number than 50, but I need some more details do you know how many layer the boards are? have they got plated through component holes? kind regards Tansenby tan - Denmark RepRap User Group
hi Can we get the offical PCB board masks? its not hard to order them from our own pcb supplier small runs are normally 50 boards of each type. good idea? or am I trying to avoid my patience training course with makerbot kind regards Tansenby tan - Denmark RepRap User Group
Hi I am based in Frederiksberg waiting for parts for Mendel Have background as Electronic engineer, Hows the builds going with Mcwire kind regards Tansenby tan - Denmark RepRap User Group
hi I now live in Copenhagen, starting to collect bits for mendel I have a background in electronic engineering, any body else around, makerbot sounds great hows the build going? kind regards Tanby tan - For Sale