$28, free shipping in usa!by Aphire - Plastic RepRap Parts for Sale
$30, Free Priority mail shipping in US! ?by Aphire - Plastic RepRap Parts for Sale
Orignal Prusa i3 parts Free Shippingby Aphire - Plastic RepRap Parts for Sale
Hey there! I've just started up my 3D hub with some pretty good pricing! Check it outby Aphire - Job Shop: I make stuff!
Has anyone ever integrated the capability to print from the internet to their reprap?by Aphire - General
I currently have similar wants and needs, and decided to make something happen. So I started a indiegogo campaign for a bigger 3d printer that it under $1500. It can print 2x3x3 ft and has a heated bed, dual extruders, and will print in both pla and abs, maybe other materials too. You can check it out here: I'm not able to give much for perks at the moment, I'm only in college. Other than that,by Aphire - General
I have also seen this problem. I found sometimes turning your filament fan off works, and other times just letting it extrude filament (not printing) for a while. If you can, clean your drive gear mechanism.by Aphire - General
This printer will bring a whole new game to the name desktop 3D printer, in fact a whole new name! Desktop 3D printers have been around for quite some time now. They’ve got hobbyists, inventors, and artists hooked on the idea of bringing a computer generated model to life. I introduce a new 3D printer. The first 3D printer to be below $1500 and have a heated print bed bigger than any other printeby Aphire - Crowdfunding Projects Announcements
Well I don't know how I missed that... Thank you! now, do I need a controller for my heated bed if im using Ramps?by Aphire - General
Hello my name is Creghton, Im fairly new to the forums but not new to reprap. I plan on building a repstrap in the next few months and I've been researching parts and specifics. One thing i can't find is a good heated bed. I want to make my own with Ni-chrome wire on aluminum, but i can't find any wiring diagrams or anything like that. Also, if anyone has a better idea for a heated bed on aluminuby Aphire - General