Quotejculver09 Quotevorpal I didnt have alot of success with the auto calibration, to many variations in the results i think there is to much slack in the server arm. Also switched to a version of marlin that supports the m666 m665 command with better success , though still not accurate enough. ( for me) I tried to convert to the RC Marlin as well. Got it almsot all the way there, switches allby vorpal - Delta Machines
make sure your multimeter is set to millivolts and the power supply is onby vorpal - Delta Machines
Thought id give some feed back on my build. The printer arrived all parts included except for the extra 10mm screws as mentioned though didnt pose a problem. There are difference between the pdf manual and the online video ie; the direction stepper motors are wired, the probe arm, etc The extruder need a bit more voltage as mentioned in earlier posts, deffinately calibrate your stepper driversby vorpal - Delta Machines
Ive started to build as well. Also used all of the 8mm for the base as per instructions. Have alot of 10mm two types of heads. but a thought would be to uses washers to space if needed, or drill through profile into center cavity. One of my rails is very rough running, tried grease not helping. I have heard some cheap rails have missing balls, maybe the case here. The words "You get get what youby vorpal - Delta Machines
I have attached the calculatot mentioned in the previous email. Also worth looking into the firmware configuration file to gain more insight.by vorpal - Delta Machines
Quotemmcginnis9272 Quotevorpal The manual currently states 230mm for the Diagonal rod assembly. I have seen various other recommened lengths thoughout the forum. Does someone know if there is there a formula for this dependant on the frame size? Also is the 700mm height really requied? there seems to be a fair bit of space above the endstops not being utilised. That extra space above the endstoby vorpal - Delta Machines
The manual currently states 230mm for the Diagonal rod assembly. I have seen various other recommened lengths thoughout the forum. Does someone know if there is there a formula for this dependant on the frame size? Also is the 700mm height really requied? there seems to be a fair bit of space above the endstops not being utilised.by vorpal - Delta Machines
I have had an update on the shipping of my kit. Hopefully be here by next week. Also Dan mentioned these kits are shipping with 20T pulleys.by vorpal - Delta Machines
The aussie warehouse is pretty quick I generally receive goods within 2-3 days. I saw a filament machine on alibaba I think for 30k. Say after 1000 rolls @ $30 your making profit and can lower prices and increase sales. Windows 10 has introduced 3d in a variety of ways including an emphasis on 3d printing. Im expecting to see alot more interest following its release later this year.by vorpal - Delta Machines
Quotertideas Quotevorpal I also received a shipping label last week with no further movment. I emailed them and was quickly advised this was a due to some issues with the inventory on parts and the kit is experiencing a delay of an additional 4-5 days. The line of communication is open and prompt. Hopefully we will see our kits being shipped this week. In the meantime I have found a site I useby vorpal - Delta Machines
I also received a shipping label last week with no further movment. I emailed them and was quickly advised this was a due to some issues with the inventory on parts and the kit is experiencing a delay of an additional 4-5 days. The line of communication is open and prompt. Hopefully we will see our kits being shipped this week. In the meantime I have found a site I use for my rc parts is stockiby vorpal - Delta Machines
Quotemmcginnis9272 Quotevorpal I also ordered on the 2nd March. looking forward to hearing from Folger. no word yet. If anyone has prints theyd like to share, be great to see. I'll be contributing more once mine arrives. Here are a few of my first prints: The pic of the two red heads: the one on the left is at .2mm layer in spiral vase mode (you can see the hair angle was too steep to fill in.by vorpal - Delta Machines
Quotertideas My experience with FolgerTech is they communicate at the barest minimum. Other than evolving instructions and not knowing I bought into a beta, they have come through, albeit not as fast as I hoped. I ordered my printer December 6 and received it January 2. They were inundated with holiday orders. It was shipped without the LCD controller I ordered and missing some parts. I documenteby vorpal - Delta Machines
I also ordered on the 2nd March. looking forward to hearing from Folger. no word yet. If anyone has prints theyd like to share, be great to see. I'll be contributing more once mine arrives.by vorpal - Delta Machines