I didn't think about that actually, but yes, they should magnetise the ball mounts. But I guess that only works well with ringmagnets, or countersunk ring magnets (Example pic). What kind of magnets do you have? ball magnets or disk magnets? Also, what is your current setup?by MatthiasB - Delta Machines
So I switched to a system with fixed ball bearings and magnets on the rods. I used Geomag magnets for the rods (I got inspired from this design), which are not the strongest, but it seems to be enough. Modifying The effector and carriages was quite simple, I simply glued the balls to the ring magnets (Maybe I will print another set of parts, but for now it's ok). I'm not sure, but it feels likeby MatthiasB - Delta Machines
As far as I know you have to give your RAMPS board a seperate power connection or solder some diodes. Details can be found in the wiki: The relevant quote: QuoteReprap Wiki Without D1 installed, or when the 12VIN is not connected, the Arduino gets its power from USB. If you want your kit powered without USB connected you need to solder in D1 OR connect VCC to your PSU. Disclaimer: I just readby MatthiasB - Controllers
Thanks for the suggestions! Oiling the magnets didn't work for me unfortunately. For now I just doubled up the ring magnets on the carriage which seems to work enough for slower speeds. The design of the Cherry Pi IIIs was the one that gave me the idea of using the fishing line and hinges to secure carriage and effector. I already have the rods with steel balls on each end, so I might give it aby MatthiasB - Delta Machines
So I'm in the process of getting my delta printer (MOST delta style: ). Unfortunately, I seem to have quite a lot of problems with the magnetic joint system. The build uses ∅10x3mm counter sunk ring magnets (N50 strength) on the effector/carriage and steel balls on the rods. During movements (either while printing or when running a calibration) the rods often drop out of their hinges and the efby MatthiasB - Delta Machines
Suche: Printed Parts, MOST/delta Hallo, ich bin gerade dabei meinen ersten Drucker zu bauen, aber wie es ausschaut scheitert das Vorhaben vorerst an den gedruckten Teilen. Das geplante Modell ist ein MOST/delta (http://www.appropedia.org/Delta_Build_Overview:MOST ), ein abgewandelter Rostock. Falls jemand eine Idee hat, wo ich die Teile im Raum Tirol auftreiben könnte (entweder über Forward-priby MatthiasB - Austria RUG