I've found a cheap kraken copy on ebay and decided to trim it for fitting in an aluminium kossel effector. Previously I've used chimera hotend, which started to overheat at working temperatures above 270 C (radiator itself was close to 100 C). Now the cooler block itself barely heats even at 330C and "heated chamber" working (3x150w halogen projectors). STL files for printing and then trimming alby Dasdsddasdf - Delta Machines
Instead of building closed heated chamber I've added 3 cheap halogen projectors with 150w lamps. With these there is no warping while printing pc-abs at 280c (bed is at 130 C). Detail on attached pictures is ~12cm long, 6mm thick. The bed thermistor shows 50-60 C within 20 minutes if I power on the projectors (bed heater is off). Electronic parts and motors are on top of the printer, so they areby Dasdsddasdf - Polymer Working Group
To the fan connector on the board. It works with m106/m107 g-codes.by Dasdsddasdf - Controllers
I've been too lazy to make manual calibration - with help of that site: Prints look fine now. I guess, that high pitch noise is fine for these dirvers. Conclusion: don't use mechanical switches for z probe.by Dasdsddasdf - Controllers
Maybe. But I'd still like to know, to which pins (inner or outer on motor connector, phase pins?) should I solder diodes, like here:. Documentation for this board does not cover it. Also, there is not a word about decay mode setting for these drivers.by Dasdsddasdf - Controllers
g29e code with pronterface.by Dasdsddasdf - Controllers
2A. Attached my config. About the wiring, which pins are the motor phases? In middle of connector or on it's border (on the mks board)? This is my probe calibration: Test 1 of 15: Measured 1669 steps (8.345 mm) Test 2 of 15: Measured 1666 steps (8.330 mm) Test 3 of 15: Measured 1666 steps (8.330 mm) Test 4 of 15: Measured 1665 steps (8.325 mm) Test 5 of 15: Measured 1665 steps (8.325 mby Dasdsddasdf - Controllers
I know about only one related parameter in smoothieware config: microseconds_per_step_pulse, mine is currently set to 1. I've tried from 1 to 5 values - that did not help.by Dasdsddasdf - Controllers
I guess I'll try less diodes and different motors. I'm using 626pilot's firmware: . Is high pitch noise at some idle postions all right for these drivers?by Dasdsddasdf - Controllers
24v. I've tried 12v - no noticeable difference. I'm not comletely sure at anything right now, but my motors make that high pitch noise. Steps are lost both at 16 and 32 microstep. Measured by G29 code - from 1 to 5 lost per 8mm probing. About junction_deviation - mine is set to 0.2. How can it help?by Dasdsddasdf - Controllers
So I've bought that board (v1.2) before reading this topic. I have a problem with missing microsteps, but adding 1n5406 diodes (as described here: , 4 diodes per phase) to motor phases did not help. Maybe I did not add enough diodes, maybe messed up the wiring. Also, I have 42BYGHM810 motors, which are rated at 2.4A. I there anything I can make for this thing to not loose steps?by Dasdsddasdf - Controllers