I figured out the problem. I had upgraded my heated bed and due to the increased thermal environment my peek tubing was now getting too warm. I solved the problem by adding a cooling fan that now blows on the peek.by paintheft - Reprappers
Ive tried 2 different hot ends, right now im using a j head, and both give the same result. When I test extrude in the air everything works beautifully.by paintheft - Reprappers
Hi I am having a very frustrating problem. I am using a Gregs/Wades Extruder and it was working just fine for a while. But now after printing about 1 layer of my model the extruder jams every time. I open it up and I have a mess of bent filament beneath my hobbed bolt. I clean it out and restart. It prints about 1-2 layers then it jams again. I have tried both with abs and pla .. they boby paintheft - Reprappers
I swappeed out power supplies and the heater magically works now. So for anyone in the future with this problem ( Electronics dying when heat is turned on ) a good thing to try is to get a beefier power supply.by paintheft - Reprappers
I'm using a thermaltake pure power 2.0 350 watt atx supply. I'll pick up something beefier today and give it a whirl.by paintheft - Reprappers
Hi Guys. Im putting together my 1st reprap and by carefully reading these forums I've been able to make a lot of progress. My stepper motors are all working well and my printer is leveled and I was hoping to be able to make my first print tonight. However I am having a rather frustrating problem. Whenever I enable the Heat in pronter face my board seems to die. To clarify .... My thermistoby paintheft - Reprappers